Page 22 of Wolf Betrayed

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She trailed a finger down my face. “I’m glad. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t see you or Lincoln again.”

I rolled off her and then pulled her to me so we were facing each other. “This is temporary. We’re going to figure it out. Lincoln is going to be all right.”

She gave me a peck. “Promise?”

“Always.” I never made a promise I couldn’t keep.

And I wasn’t going to let my dad make a liar out of me. Sloane and Lincoln would be safe, even if it was the last thing I did.



I padded down the stairs, stretching slightly and wincing when I was sore in all sorts of places. Sawyer and I had quite the time last night. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from grinning, but that didn’t stop the heat from creeping across my cheeks.

I needed to keep my thoughts in check. The living room was full of life this morning, and I didn’t want anyone asking questions. And…oh my god…what if I’d been loud? What if people heard me in my room?

I wanted to turn around, run back up the stairs, and hide under my blankets. It was too late.

My mom waved to me when she saw me and beckoned me over. “Sloane, I need you to come with us.”

She was making a beeline for me, and Willa was right behind her. My friend gave me a shrug when our gazes met.

My mom hurried ahead toward my dad’s office while Willa waited for me at the bottom of the stairs.

I hooked my arm with hers. “How are you feeling today?”

She rubbed her injured leg and grimaced. “Still stiff and a little sore, but the infection seems to be going away. Sleeping next to Jacob and having him with me has made such a difference. After yesterday… I just keep waiting for things to get better.”

I patted her hand. “They will. We have to believe that.”

She nodded toward the open door. “What do you think this is about?”

My belly did a somersault. “If I had to guess, Pack Wolf Blood.”

I’m sure my mom had spoken to my dad about Sawyer and Lincoln by now. Would he be as understanding as she had? It was their father who had killed Darrin. Darrin was supposed to take over for dad as alpha of the pack. Dad was close to all of us, but he’d been extra close to Darrin the past few years since he’d been training him. What if he found Lincoln and Sawyer guilty and as bad as their father just for being his sons?

Willa made a noise in the back of her throat. “I heard them talking. I think they are planning something. They might want more details from us about what it’s like there.”

A lump formed in my throat, and I swallowed hard. “Planning something?”

Willa shrugged as we crossed the threshold into the office.

All eyes fell on us, but it was my dad who had command of the room.

He stood from his seat behind his mahogany desk. “Sloane, darling, close the door, will you?”

I let go of Willa’s arm and shut the door, making sure it latched. Then I followed Willa to the couch, my hands trembling at my sides. I took a seat, putting my hands on my lap and fisting them together.

I roamed my gaze over the room. Both my parents and brothers were here. Willa’s brother, Ian, was also here, and so was Jacob.

My dad strode towards the coffee table and took a seat on the edge of it so he was facing Willa and me. “I’ve been speaking a lot to the other alphas. We want to go back for the women who are still a Pack Wolf Blood. We think now is the time since Alpha Dane retreated. We believe his numbers are lower, and he won’t be expecting us to come to him.”

My heart hammered in my chest so hard I thought it might explode. “You’re going there?”

I sounded breathless even to my own ears. This was our chance to save Lincoln.

My dad sat up straighter. “Yes. We haven’t sorted all the details yet. We were hoping to get some more information from the two of you, as you are the only ones who have been on the property.”
