Page 25 of Wolf Betrayed

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Lincoln blinked at me, his eyes bright and full of warmth. A small smile pulled at the edges of his lips.

I put a hand over my mouth, stifling my cry. Cuts and bruises littered his body. He looked like he’d lost weight in the past couple of days, too. For all I knew, that bowl of oatmeal he was eating was the first thing he’d had since the day we fled.

Sawyer stood up, brushing the straw and dirt off his pants. “Sloane, it’s good to see you again.”

He shifted on his feet like he wasn’t sure what to say or do.

We were going to work on his awkwardness and his inability to show affection. I bounded toward him and threw my arms around him, enveloping him in a hug and kissing his neck.

He stiffened and then relaxed, wrapping me in an embrace.

I squeezed him tighter. “I’m glad to see you, too.” I pulled back and glanced at Lincoln. “Both of you.”

I took Sawyer’s hand and led him back to Lincoln. I sat crisscross on the dirt floor, and Sawyer sat next to me, putting me in the middle.

I grabbed Lincon’s hand too. “We need to talk, and fast.”

Sawyer frowned. “What’s going on?”

I squirmed in my seat. “My dad and the other alphas are planning an attack. They want to get the other women out, and my dad agreed we would help get Lincoln out, too.”

Sawyer’s brows dipped into a scowl. “Coming here?”

I bobbed my head up and down and couldn’t contain my grin. “Yes.”

Why wasn’t he excited?

Lincoln gave my hand a squeeze before picking it up and kissing the back of it. “That’s dangerous, Sloane.”

Sawyer pulled his hand away from me and rubbed it over his jaw. “Not just dangerous. It’s suicide. The pack is heavily guarded. Even if you were successful, my father would retaliate. A transgression like that would be considered an act of war.”

I held my chin high. “We are already at war. It started the moment your father took that first girl. It’s just escalated since then. We aren’t going to sit around anymore while he terrorizes those of us who are left while picking us off one by one. It’s time to stand up and fight back.”

Lincoln cupped my face, turning me so I had to look at him. “You were attacked? Are you okay?” He shot Sawyer an accusing glare. “You didn’t tell me that our men got that close to her.”

Sawyer hung his head. “I kept her safe.”

A growl vibrated from Lincoln’s chest. “You should have told me she was in danger.”

Sawyer bared his teeth as red crept over his face. “I was trying to save your life too, in case you’ve forgotten.”

Lincoln balled his free hand into a tight fist and hit his leg with it. “It doesn’t matter. Our mate was in danger, and you didn’t tell me.”

I snapped my fingers. “Hey. We are all in danger every second of every day, and we are all on the same side here.”

I gave Lincoln the stink eye and then Sawyer. Now wasn’t the time for us to fall apart.

Both my men had the decency to look ashamed.

Some of the tension relaxed from my face, and I reached over and put my hand over top of Lincoln’s. “I’m okay.”

He exhaled loudly, letting his shoulders sag. “This time, but my dad will come back. He will bring you back here alive. Willa too. He’s going to punish you for leaving, for betraying the pack.”

I mashed my lips together and looked away. My pulse quickened and my throat tightened. Alpha Dane had made it very clear that I would pay for any betrayal. If he caught me, I had no doubt that I would be punished severely.

My mouth went dry. What if he killed my parents like he did Willa’s? Oh God. He’d decapitated them and set their severed heads in the room with her. My stomach rolled.

Sawyer sat down next to me and put a hand on my back. “We aren’t going to let that happen. We will keep you safe.”
