Page 29 of Wolf Betrayed

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She covered her mouth in an attempt to stifle her sobs.

I rubbed her arms and opened my mouth, but nothing came out. There wasn’t anything I could say to her to make it better. Alpha Dane had brutally murdered her family and then flaunted their deaths.

My jaw worked, and cold chills shot down my spine. That could happen to my parents, too. I chewed on my cheek to keep from crying.

Willa turned her head so she was looking at me. She swiped at her red-rimmed eyes. “I didn’t know it was possible for us to have two mates. How does that work?”

I laughed, and some of the pressure left my chest. “I’ll let you know when I get that all figured out. I don’t really know how to describe it. Sawyer and Lincoln are both so different but so similar at the same time. I love them both, but each one has a different way of showing their emotions, and it’s just trying to get to know them on the individual level.”

Willa made a humming sound. “I was fortunate to have known Jacob my entire life. And I don’t envy you at all having to learn not only one man but two. Men can be weird sometimes. Say one thing but mean another.” She forced a smile as she ran the back of her hand over her cheek. “Sawyer seems like a nice guy, but he holds his emotions in. I was terrified of him at first because of that. It was really hard to tell what he was thinking.”

I grunted and closed my eyes, picturing my strong, sexy mate in my mind. “Yeah, he does keep everything bottled up. I think he has to. It’s the only way he can protect himself to keep Alpha Dane from finding out he’s working against him.”

Willa patted her stomach. “I can’t imagine. I barely survived under his scrutiny, and I was only there for a few weeks. Is he coming back with you?”

I hesitated for a moment as my heart began to pound. We hadn’t discussed what he would be doing, only that he would most likely be with his dad.

Which meant he wasn’t coming back with us. He would still be stuck behind enemy lines with Alpha Dane and Mikey.



I rolled onto my back and threw the covers off me, blowing out a long breath. I couldn’t sleep. It was too hot and then too cold. My mind wouldn’t shut off.

I darted my gaze to the clock and had to squint to see the hands in the near pitch black. Almost three in the morning. My alarm was set for six. There almost wasn’t a point in staying in bed.

I should still try. We had a few hours of driving, and then I’d get to see Lincoln again. I mashed my lips together as my pulse picked up. He was going to be back here with me in less than twenty-four hours. Tomorrow night, I’d be able to cuddle up to him and maybe then I could get some blessed sleep.

Maybe. Sawyer wouldn’t be here though.

I fiddled with the edges of the blanket. Sweat beaded my brow, and a weight pressed against me, like I was being shoved into the mattress.

How long could he keep hiding from his dad? Sawyer was good, but a person could only lie for so long before they were caught. What if we didn’t get to him in time?

The world around me hummed, my vision darkened, and a bout of dizziness circled me as I was connected with my mates.

Lincoln was sitting in his bed, and Sawyer was pacing a fine line in front of it. They both stared at me when I appeared.

Sawyer ran a hand through his hair. “Thank God, Sloane. We’ve been worried about you. We could feel your nervous energy all evening.”

I put a hand on my chest, wishing it could slow the frantic pounding of my heart. “I’m sorry. It’s been a whirlwind of a day. We are all set to leave first thing in the morning.”

Sawyer exhaled slowly, his features pulling into a scowl before he nodded. “So are we. My dad thinks the computer is in a small town in Wyoming. We should be halfway there by the time you get here. And long gone by the time we turn around and come back.”

I rubbed my foot on the floor across an invisible spot. “You definitely won’t be here then?”

A lump formed in my throat, and I blinked my eyes to keep from crying.

He shook his head. “No. I couldn’t come with you even if I were. Sloane, it’s safer for you and Lincoln if I’m here. I can keep you both one step ahead.”

That’s what he kept saying. It didn’t mean I liked it.

Lincoln got up from the bed and stopped in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders. “Is there any way we can talk you out of coming? I don’t like it.”

I looked at Lincoln and then at Sawyer. “I’m coming.” I put a hand under his chin. “If the roles were reversed, you would both come for me, and no one could stop you.”

Lincoln frowned, and Sawyer sighed heavily.
