Page 3 of Wolf Betrayed

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Mikey nudged me. “Where is your laptop, Lincoln?”

I chuckled and shook my head. “It’s still here and someplace you will never find it.”

That was a lie. It was safe with Sloane, hopefully being put to good use. She knew how to access my shifter haven website, DarkSide.

Mikey stood and brushed the dirt from his pants. “So in your room, then? That’s good to know.”

His feet thumped against the floor as he walked away from me. I held my breath, hoping he was leaving. I wasn’t so lucky.

He stomped back toward me, a needle in his hand. He kneeled and jabbed the syringe into my forearm.

I cried out as the wolfsbane entered my bloodstream. Sweat beaded my brow, and it stole my breath away as the blinding heat scorched through my body.

Mikey laughed as he pulled the needle out and threw it into a bin to the side. “Don’t go anywhere.”

He stood up and kicked the shackle at my ankle before he disappeared.

I held my breath, waiting. The seconds ticked by endlessly before I finally sighed and relaxed.

The second my defenses were down, Sloane was back.

She sat on the floor behind me and cradled my head in her lap. “Oh, Lincoln, what did he do to you?”

My arm shook as I reached up and held her hand. “I’m okay. Promise.”

I tried to smile, but it ended up being more of a grimace.

Her face fell, and tears pooled in her eyes. “What does he want?”

“Information. I think we’ve scared them.” I licked my lips as I tried to smile. My jaw ached, making it feel more like a grimace.

She pushed the hair away from my face. “They aren’t the only ones scared.”

I grasped her wrist tighter. “They are coming there, Sloane.”

She looked away from me and used her hair as a shield to hide her face. “I know. Our scouts have spotted them. They seem to be in a holding pattern for the moment. We don’t know what they are waiting for.”

I swallowed. “You’re still at your house?”

She nodded but didn’t look at me. “My dad and the other alphas think we stand the best chance of holding our ground here.”

“Reinforcements came?”

She lowered her face to mine and pressed our foreheads together. “They did. You did a good job getting the word out. Packs aren’t waiting for the meeting time. They are coming now in droves. Alpha Dane has spooked a lot of alphas.”

I trailed my fingers through her long locks. They were so soft. “That’s good news.”

She gave me a small smile as she sat up. “I hope so.”

I wrapped one of her locks around my finger. “Sawyer is with my dad. He’ll make sure you stay safe.”

A stray tear glided down her cheek. “I wish we were still together. I hate being apart and not knowing what is happening to you. You keep blocking me out.”

I trailed my finger over her cheek and swiped away a tear. “I don’t want you to see me like this. And I don’t want Mikey to know how much you mean to me, Sloane. If he knew about you or Sawyer, he would exploit it. The things he’s already insinuated…”

I gritted my teeth.

Her brows furrowed, and she looked determined. “I fought him once. I can do it again. Besides, you were a good teacher.”
