Page 35 of Wolf Betrayed

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He opened the passenger door for me. I climbed in, and he shut it.

Mark was right. We had a few hours’ drive, but we were leaving a full two hours ahead of schedule. Sawyer had said first thing in the morning.

We should still get there after they’d left, but they would be a lot closer to home. We would have to be quick. If we were delayed for any reason, this could go sideways fast. I’d reach out to Sawyer as soon as we hit the road.

Ian and Brandon climbed in the back, and Mark took the driver’s seat, shoving the key into the ignition and revving it to life.

Engines around us roared, and headlights flooded the night, shining brightly down the long drive. My chest grew heavy as the full weight of what we were going to do pressed against me.

I leaned my head against the window and let my eyes slide shut. The car lurched and rocked back and forth as we inched across the uneven ground.

My mind went to Sawyer. I focused on his dark hair, his soft eyes, and his earthy scent. I said his name in my mind over and over again until I felt the familiar buzz of our minds joining.

The moment he saw me, his head fell back, and he let out a loud, breathy sigh. “Sloane, thank god. We were worried about you when you disappeared.”

I closed the distance between us, faltering slightly when he opened his arms to me this time. He wrapped me up close and rested his chin on the top of my head.

I breathed him in. His scent washed over me and calmed my fraying nerves. “Your dad had scouts here. They tripped the perimeter. We got them.”

Sawyer pulled back, a frown marring his handsome face. “He had men still there?”

“You didn’t know?” I asked, my voice soft.

He shook his head. The worry on his face grew deeper. “He didn’t tell me that.”

There were dozens of reasons why Alpha Dane would keep Sawyer in the dark about the men. Not all of them had to do with him suspecting Sawyer of anything.

I gripped Sawyer’s hands. “We’ve moved up our timetable. We’re already on the road, heading in your direction.”

He mashed his lips together and squeezed my hands. “It should be fine. We will be a few hours away from the pack by the time you get here.”

Relief flooded me, and I fell into him again.

He rubbed soothing circles on my back. “They’re just getting the girls and Lincoln and leaving, right?”

I nodded, even though I hadn’t been part of the planning. Their main goal was a rescue mission. I didn’t think anyone would jeopardize that by doing something stupid.

“Good. There’s no way we’ll get back before you’re gone.” His hand stopped moving along my back. “My dad won’t take this transgression lightly. It’s possible he won’t wait for reinforcements before attacking again.”

I peered up at him. “He’s not the only one getting more wolves.”

Sawyer exhaled and closed his eyes. “I know. I fear this is going to get ugly.”

“It already is.”

He pushed his fingers into my hair. “I don’t want you caught in the crossfire.”

I leaned in and placed a chaste kiss to his lips. “I don’t want you to get caught up either.” I worried my bottom lip and glanced up to meet his gaze. “Do you think your father suspects you? Is that why he didn’t tell you about the spies?”

He let go of me and scrubbed a hand down his face while turning his neck like he was trying to work out a kink. “Lincon’s betrayal shook him. He might be questioning everyone. If I can make it look like someone else ratted them out, it would be good for my cover.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. He was playing such a dangerous game.

“Cast the shadow away from you,” I told him. “I hope it works.”

“Me too.” He looked over his shoulder like someone else might be there.

He rolled his shoulders back and took me by surprise when he caught my lips. The kiss started rough but quickly became tender, and it ended all too soon.
