Page 37 of Wolf Betrayed

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I’d never really heard one way or the other about how they ended up there.

Mark shook his head. “I think some were like you, and others were forced when their packs were overrun.”

Alpha Dane would kill all the men in our pack and take all the women if he could. I get why my mom told me to run, but we also needed to stand up and fight. Lincoln had told me that the men in Pack Wolf Blood thought women were weak. We needed to show them how wrong they were. This was our fight, too.

I patted my chest. “When we get home, will you teach me to fight?”

Mark and Darrin had taken over most of the training for our pack about a year ago. Now it fell on just Mark’s shoulders.

His brows knitted together, and for a moment, I thought he might refuse me, but then he nodded. “I’ll teach you, Willa, anyone who wants to learn.”

“Good.” Between him and Lincoln, I would learn two different styles.

Sawyer, I was sure, would train me as well when we connected.

Mark slowed the car to a stop while he pulled us to the side of the road. His face turned pale as he shut off the ignition.

I swallowed hard as I looked at the line of cars along the edge of the road. We were here. My chest tightened, and I couldn’t breathe.

Mark pointed. “Pack Wolf Blood is about a mile inward that way.”

I fiddled with the neck of my sweater. I’d have to take his word for it. I’d drawn the maps, but I was horrible with directions. The last time I’d been here, I’d been fleeing for my life and hadn’t paid attention to the lay of the land. It was because we’d had Lincoln’s electronics that we’d been able to get a map back to my house.

Mark turned around, putting his hand on my headrest as he peered into the back seat. “Brandon, Ian. We’re here.”

The other two wolves stirred in the back, groaning as they stretched.

Mark drew in a breath and let it out through his nose before turning back to me and killing the ignition. “The three of us are going to accompany you to find Lincoln. Do you think we should go on foot or as our wolves?”

I bit my lip as I considered his question.

Ian scooted so he was peering in between the two seats. “If it helps, a group of men are going in their wolf forms to scout ahead before the rest of us even leave the car.”

Oh, that made sense.

I adjusted the collar on my neck again. “He’s restrained, or was the last time I saw him. We should only shift as a last resort. I’ll need help to get him free.”

Ian slid back into his seat. “Then we should stay on two feet for now.”

Mark mumbled his agreement. His gaze went to the passenger window. He was watching, waiting for the all clear.

I held my breath, or tried to. This was taking an eternity. I couldn’t sit still. The seat had grown uncomfortable. Something was jabbing my back, and my legs were falling asleep. I tried to pull them into my chest but had to set them back on the floorboards. I shifted to one side and then the other. Nothing seemed to help.

I let my head fall back against the seat and closed my eyes tightly. Come on. Come on. Give the all clear.

I pumped my fists in my lap to keep my hands from twitching. What was taking so long? We should be on our way already. Maybe something had happened. No, Sawyer would have alerted me if they hadn’t left or something was up. But what if Alpha Dane was onto him? Maybe this was a trap?

I jumped when Mark put his hand on my shoulder. My eyes flew open, and I drew in a ragged breath.

He gave me a pat. “Hey, we’re ready.”

This was it. I unbuckled my seat belt with shaking hands and opened the car door. A combination of dizziness and nausea washed over me as I stepped out of the SUV. The cool, crisp night air greeted me, making my symptoms worse with the temperature change from the car.

I leaned against the door and fought to get my bearings. I licked my dry lips and drew in a deep breath.

You can do this, Sloane. You have to get to Lincoln. He’s counting on you. Sawyer also.

I stood up straight and steeled myself. I looked at my two brothers and then at Ian.
