Page 66 of Wolf Betrayed

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Mikey’s feet thundered up the stairs. “I know you’re up here.” His voice sounded singsong, like he was having way too much fun with this. “If you’re trying to make a run for the car, I have men out there, and I might have slashed your tires. Good luck driving on those.”

I held my breath and craned my neck, trying to see if Mikey was telling the truth. My stomach tightened. He wasn’t lying. I could see deflated tires from here. I put a hand over my mouth to stifle a cry.

Lincoln put his hands on my shoulders. “Hey, we’re going to get through this. Get ready to shift. We’re going to fight our way through him and then hit the road. I know the direction your dad will be coming from. We’ll run right into him. We just got to keep running.”

I nodded as I looked to the door, then I took a step back and accidentally rammed my elbow into the wall.

The doorknob jiggled. Someone was on the other side of it.

“Found you!” Mikey called from the other side a second before he kicked in the door.

The door flew open so hard the doorknob hit the interior wall and bounced back. Mikey shoved it open again and stomped inside.

He had something in his hand.

Lincoln moved in front of me. “Shift now, Sloane.”

Mikey threw whatever was in his hand on the floor. It exploded, sending a powdery dust through the room.

It made me sneeze. My eyes watered and burned. Tears blurred my vision.

My nostrils flared. I coughed, wheezing. My lungs constricted as my chest caught fire. Oh god. That was wolfsbane. We wouldn’t be able to shift.

Forget shifting. I can’t even see.

Ringing filled my ears. I brought my hand to my eyes, the other to my throat. I needed to make the fire stop, or I was useless. Lincoln was yelling something at me, but I couldn’t understand him.

Something hit my side, hard. It shoved me until my back hit the wall. The air whooshed out of me, making my screaming lungs fight harder for a breath. All I could see was blurs, but I didn’t need my senses to know that whoever shoved me hadn’t been Lincoln or Mikey. Mikey wasn’t here alone.

I beat my fists against the man in front of me. He snarled, grasping my wrist and wrenching it to the side. I swung my other arm, hitting the guy in the neck, or maybe it was the shoulder.

Shit! I need to see.

Sawyer’s presence surrounded me. I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was there.

Then he spoke to me. Sloane, listen to me. I need you to push through the pain. Focus on my voice. On our bond, and my wolf. Please, baby, do it for me.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Tears slid down my cheeks, blazing a trail of heat as the wolfsbane washed out and touched my skin. I focused on Sawyer’s voice even as the guy in front of me slammed my head against the wall.

Pain exploded in my skull. Dizziness wrapped around me like a blanket, and the guy screamed something at me.

Sawyer seemed to put himself between my enemy and me. Focus on me, Sloane. Picture my wolf. Let me help you, baby.

I listened to his voice. My wolf bristled as we worked together to reach out to Sawyer’s wolf. I could see him in my mind. He was growling, raging against something, his teeth gnashing together.

Let him in, Sloane, Sawyer’s voice soothed.

It took me a minute to realize what was going on. My eyes were like an inferno. My whole body trembled, and then the pain flickered to a dull ache.

My wolf called out, Sawyer!

The sleek black wolf ran toward us, jumping and merging with us so we were one.

I blinked my eyes open. I could see. The goon who had me pinned was one of Alpha Dane’s men.

I screamed and beat the guy with my fists, except they weren’t fists. They were paws, and instead of hitting, I’d clawed him. Blood spurted out from the wound on his face I’d given him.

His eyes widened, and he tossed me to the side like I weighed nothing.
