Page 69 of Wolf Betrayed

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Lincoln was in no shape to fight. I wasn’t even sure he could stand.

The floorboards creaked, and I peeked up to see Lincoln rolling onto his back. He stared up at the ceiling, breathing heavily.

He turned his head so he was looking at me. I’m not going to let him hurt you, Sloane. The things he’ll do to you… I can’t stomach the thought. I’m getting you out of here one way or another.

The fact that he hadn’t mentioned himself wasn’t lost on me. A lump formed in my throat, and I fought to breathe. We hadn’t come all this way for me to lose him again now. We’d both get out of here together.

A frown marred his expression. Don’t give me that look, Sloane. They won’t kill me. I’m sure of it. The things he could do to you though… It would hurt you forever.

I gulped, and my bottom lip trembled. Mikey would be vicious. I had no doubt about that. I’m not leaving you here.

Lincoln looked back up at the ceiling and sighed heavily. Okay. We’ll see what we can do. You take the enforcer, and I’ll take my brother?

I licked my lips and glanced down at my hand. Blood oozed out from my fist, and I could see a piece of the shard sticking out by my thumb. I have a piece of glass in my hand. I can take him.

Lincoln closed his eyes and swallowed. We go on three. One, two, three.

I shot to my feet at the same time Lincoln kicked out. He caught his brother off guard, knocking Mikey to the floor. I launched myself at the enforcer, jabbing the glass deep into his chest.

I yanked the glass out and shoved it in again, pushing it as far as I could get it to go. He reached up, smacking me across the face. White-hot pain blinded me, and my vision darkened for a moment. I blinked my eyes and screamed as he tackled me to the ground.

He shoved his palm into my face, squishing my nose, and pushing it at an awkward angle. I opened my mouth and bit down into the meaty part of his palm.

He slapped me again. Dots blurred my vision, and a wave of dizziness swept over me.

I gritted my teeth. Don’t you dare pass out now, Sloane. Fight.

I gripped my weapon in my hand, preparing for one last strike. With a guttural scream, I shoved it into the side of his neck.

He sputtered, his eyes widening. He climbed off me, his hands clawing at the piece of glass.

I scooted back on my butt, terrified of what he would do. He fell backwards, thrashed on the floor a few times, and then fell still. I shuddered as I realize that I’d killed him.

A yelp of pain drew my attention to the right. Mikey and Lincoln were wrestling on the ground. Mikey looked like he had the upper hand. He was on top of Lincoln, his hands wrapped around his brother’s throat.

Mikey lifted Lincoln’s head up and slammed it back to the ground. He repeated the action one more time, and then Lincoln went still. His arms flopped to the side, lifeless.

I screamed as I dove toward Mikey. I drove him to the ground and pummeled him with my fists, hitting him repeatedly in the face. My knuckles ached and were raw, but I didn’t stop.

He rocked his hips up, throwing me to the side. I cried out as I hit the wall. My shoulder and the side of my head smacked the plaster hard enough to leave a hole.

Mikey clasped my foot and tugged me. My head hit the floor with a clunk, and more pain blossomed on my temple. Blood trickled into my eyes, making it hard to see.

I kicked out with my free foot, but it didn’t stop Mikey from hauling me toward the middle of the room. He wrenched my leg to the side. Something cracked, making me scream. Fire tore through my leg. Mikey rammed his foot into the back of my already injured knee. I yelped and tried to roll away from him, but he had my foot, and he was not letting go.

He stopped dragging me once we reached the middle of the room and dropped my leg to the ground. The jar of it made me wince and doubled my vision.

He kicked me in the side. The air whooshed out of my lungs, and I fought for a breath as my chest burned.

Mikey loomed over me. “You’ve been a bad girl, Sloane. I’m going to show you what we do to the bad girls in our pack.”

His hand went to his belt buckle. Bile rose up my throat.

A blur moved past me, hitting Mikey. It shoved Mikey away from me, and it took me a moment to realize that the blur was Lincoln.

Lincoln forced him toward the window. But they were moving too fast and didn’t stop. They hit the glass with a crack, and their momentum sent them tumbling through it. It shattered, and they plummeted to the ground outside.

“Lincoln!” I screamed and pulled myself to my feet.
