Page 77 of Wolf Obsessed

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I should’ve known his name, and I wished I did. I forced myself to keep looking straight and not over my shoulder at the debilitated house.

“Houses and structures can be rebuilt, and that’s what we will do. You all came here to preserve our way of life. Our freedom. Not just for your future, but for your children and grandchildren.”

I marched forward and jabbed my finger at the ground. “No one said this was going to be easy. We might not have seen the worst of it yet, but our best way forward is to stay together to stamp out Pack Wolf Blood’s tyranny.”

I shook my head. “Men like Alpha Dane will only grow stronger if we run and do nothing. The time to stand and fight is here and now.”

The guy looked over his shoulder and then back at me, his lip curling. “How do we know you’re fit to lead us? Maybe we should choose someone else.”

I narrowed my eyes. He had to be one of the other alphas. Was he challenging me? Oh no. I wasn’t ready for a fight.

My mouth went dry, and when I swallowed, it felt like nails scraping down my throat.

Pull yourself together!

I held my hands out to the sides. “If someone wants to challenge me, then so be it. I’m not afraid to prove myself to you.”

I gritted my teeth as I glared at the guy, daring him to take me up on my offer as I secretly prayed that he wouldn’t.

I would fight tooth and nail, but I wasn’t sure if I could win.

No, I would win because I have too much to fight for.

I held his gaze until he bowed his head. I let out a breath, my shoulders relaxing as a weight lifted.

I took a few steps forward until I stood toe to toe with him. “No one wants to bring Alpha Dane and Pack Wolf Blood to justice more than I do. They killed my brother. They killed my father, and they tried to murder my mate. They tried to take away my freedom and the freedom of countless other women. I won’t stand for that. No one should.”

I drew in a deep breath, looking around. The hushed whispers had died down. All eyes were on me.

“We stay here and rebuild, and we fight like hell for what we believe in. Alpha Dane is not our future. My father had a vision that promoted pack unity and freedom, and I will stop at nothing to see that through.”

I exhaled slowly and jutted my chin out. I prayed that no one could hear the racing of my heart.

I glanced around at the crowd. There were still a few hundred of us here. Some were injured. Others looked terrified. I just hoped they stayed and fought so we could have the future we needed.

Lincoln got down on one knee. “Alpha Sloane.”

Mark, Brandon, and Erica dropped to their knees as well. “Alpha Sloane.”

My heart lodged in my throat as one by one, the crowd kneeled and said my name. I met the alpha’s gaze, who still stood before me.

He bowed his head, and he, too, dropped to the ground. “Alpha Sloane.”

I let out a relieved breath at his submission. Thank goodness!

This fight wasn’t over. My pack’s loyalty would not be misplaced.

Alpha Dane had crossed too many lines, and it was time to take the fight to him.
