Page 31 of Fracture

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Chapter 8


Can we talk? Please?

I hit send on the hundredth text to Everleigh.

No answer.

I’m sorry, Ev. I know I’m a jerk.

No answer.

Okay, I’m worse than a jerk. I’m an asshole.


Fine, I’m a dickhead. A dickhead asshole. Scum on the bottom of your shoe.

Again, nothing.

I toss my phone down on my bed and groan.

It’s been a week since the event and Everleigh refuses to speak to me. Lennox won’t speak to me either after she ripped me a new asshole about embarrassing Ev.

“How could you, Landon? You even had me fooled! What the fuck?”

“Why is it such a big deal? It’s not like it’s a secret.”

“How rude to just assume if a girl is a virgin or not. And gross. Not cool, dude. Besides, you don’t know what you’re talking about when it comes to Everleigh. That’s the stupidest party theme I’ve ever heard of anyway. I doubt there’s many virgins left and what happened to having your normal toga party? I thought you had turned a corner, Landon. I’m disappointed.”

She hung up after the last word and I barely got to defend myself which pissed me off all over again. Who is she to talk to me like that? And what does she mean I don’t know what I’m talking about?

It’s all a big fucking mess. One that’s all my fault- I have no one to blame but myself. I should’ve been upfront in the beginning.

I feel awful for lying and I feel even worse it all came out in front of the rowdy frat guys. It’s been on my mind all week and the more I think about it, the worse I feel.

It’s finally Saturday and after a week of classes, frat meetings, and surfing, I’m exhausted. I spend the morning in bed, in and out of sleep, tossing and turning and ignoring the shit I need to get done today.

Like get my ass to the store for some more body wash and deodorant. Or do some damn laundry, the pile of dirty clothes in the corner out of control.

I’m also ignoring the small issue I have going on tonight. There’s a house party at the frat house and there’s also a beach party. I’d usually stop by each one, sometimes throw together some drinks or hang around. The problem tonight is that both my fraternity and the host of the beach party want me to bartend. For the entire night.

I can’t magically be in two places at once.

My fraternity, I’m obligated to, as I agreed to it being my job at the house and if I make any money it’d be in tips. But the party would pay me well, I’d get tips too, and I could really use the money to pay off my credit card bill from the girls shopping spree.

In the end, I know I’ll end up going with the fraternity because it’s the right thing to do. I’ll get so much shit if I don’t show up. Maybe I can dip out early.

When I finally drag my ass out of bed around noon, I head straight for the kitchen. Time for cereal and cartoons.

It doesn’t look as if my roommates are home, or maybe they’re still sleeping, either way, I don’t care. I grab a giant bowl and spoon and fill it to the brim with Lucky Charms. After I sniff the milk, I pour it in until about halfway up the bowl.

Most of the time, I take over the living room but I feel like being alone instead. So I take my bowl, the box of cereal, and the jug of milk and make my way back to my room. I close the door behind me and put all my goodies on my bedside table. I grab my TV remote and flick it on. With a couple of taps, Netflix opens and I find SpongeBob waiting, ready to pick up right where I left off the other morning.

Can you tell I have a slight addiction?

I laugh in between mouthfuls of cold delicious cereal but it feels forced. My whole mood feels that way, because inside all I can think about is how much of an ass I am.
