Page 107 of A Vow So Soulless

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I’m rewarded, or maybe punished, by Elio instantly pulling his finger out of me and leaving me unbearably empty. He seizes my wrist and lifts it easily away from his cock.

“Nice try,” he says, his eyes burning into me, his hold merciless. “But unlike you I’m not a shy little thing. I’ll get my cock out for you right here, right now. If you’re going to get all rebellious, then I’m going to have you down on your knees so fast you won’t be able to take a single breath before I’m fucking the back of your throat. So unless you want everyone to see me using your disobedient mouth under these bright fucking lights, you will behave yourself until we get home.”

He would make me do it, too. He’s not kidding.

He takes a grating breath, then says, “Did you get enough for your school project from the first half?”

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Good. Because we’re leaving.”

Chapter 34


Elio doesn’t waste any time once we’re home. As soon as we’re back in his bedroom he seizes on the skirt of my dress and yanks it up over my head. The fabric briefly snags at my nose, leaving my body and my mouth exposed but my eyes covered. A bolt of anxious desire goes through me when I think that he might leave me like that, blind to everything but his touch.

Blindfolded by silk, he forces me to walk backwards by stepping forwards and he doesn’t stop until I unexpectedly hit the bed and collapse down onto it.

Elio pulls the dress off my head and then higher along my arms, but for some reason he doesn’t peel it all the way off. Once the slippery silk is bunched around my wrists, he twists the shoulder straps tight, then loops the whole garment over the iron post of his headboard.

My heart spins out in my chest, and I panic a little, realizing that he’s got me strung up like a pig in a butcher’s. My wrists are pinned above my head, and a few frantic tugs make it clear that I’m stuck.

Elio stands at the side of the bed, watching me with a look of terrible satisfaction as I struggle against the silk. My arms soon tire, and I sag back against the pillows, breathing hard and glaring up at him.

“You can’t leave me like this,” I tell him.

“Who said anything about leaving you? I’ll be with you the entire time.”

My throat goes dry as he begins to undress, shrugging out of his suit jacket then undoing the buttons on his shirt, one by one. He’s doing it painstakingly slowly, and he’s got to be doing that on purpose, to make me wonder what’s coming next. His shirt falls to the floor and he stares at my pussy while he undoes the buckle of his belt.

I’ve got my legs squeezed closed again, trying to protect myself from the unstoppable, devious drag of his eyes. He’s got his bedside lamp on, illuminating my nakedness, the way my body is so stretched and vulnerable to him.

I look down at myself, trying to see what he sees. Because my arms are up over my head, my breasts look higher and plumped. My pussy is so smooth, the skin red, though I don’t know if the redness is from the waxing or from his hand before.

When I look back up at him, he’s naked except for his splint. Even in this humiliating position, when I should be curling away from him, I can’t help but turn more towards him. He looms, huge and aroused, and I can’t tell if he’s a god or a monster or a man. His cock juts out thick from the dark hair at his groin as he gets onto his hands and knees above me. I stifle a gasp.

Like this, he’s all I can see. Like the dark sky between stars, he expands everywhere, covering absolutely everything until there’s nowhere I can turn, nowhere I can look where I won’t find him.

He braces himself on his right elbow, skimming his left hand up my anxious abdomen until it comes to grip my breast. Bending, he takes my nipple into his mouth.

I moan, unable to stop myself. I held back so much when we were at the ballet that I seem to have used up all my ability to remain quiet. He sucks me hard, then moves to the other side, nipping and licking until my treacherous legs are already spreading for him without even needing him to ask.

What am I even doing? He just made me come in public. Now he’s got me restrained. And I’m opening up for him again?

But there’s something inevitable about this. About the dark pull of his body to mine. The shuddering heat that only he can draw out of me.

He releases my breast with a slick sound, kissing down my belly.

“Fucking flawless,” he groans when he reaches the place between my legs, using his fingers to spread my folds open for his gaze. “I’ve wanted to lick this pretty pussy since I put my hand up your skirt and found out just how fucking smooth your skin could be.”

I whimper in response, needing him to do it more than I need air.

“But I thought… You said you were going to punish me.”

His eyes flick up to mine. He holds my gaze as he extends his tongue and gives my clit a long, circling lick.

“I am going to punish you,” he says darkly, his breath fanning over my wet skin until I’m squirming. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to enjoy myself first.”
