Page 87 of Hunger

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I look up into the eyes of my dark angel. Still, always my Layden. I see the young, naïve, tortured man he was. And also the strong, confident lover and father he’s become.

“But I’m here now,” I whisper.

He dips his lips down to mine as he pulls out and teases the tip of his cock against my sex. His arms are around my waist, hands clutching my ass as he begins to fuck me in earnest, and he kisses me. Pulsating runes begin to throb at my clit as he does.

“Oh,” I cry out against his kiss.

“Not yet,” he says, tonguing and biting at my lower lip. My hands fist in their restraints.


“Not yet.”

“Oh, Layden. Please!”

“Not yet.”

I can only mewl out noises.

“Yes. Now. You may come.”

I howl as spasms of pleasure clench and release throughout my entire groin and ass, making me buck so hard in my restraints I’m shocked I don’t break Layden’s goddamned dick. But he manages to hold on for the ride, fucking me the whole way through as I spasm hard once, and then again, and then again—

The whole world goes white as—

“Lay—” I squeak “—den!”

And then I’m just convulsively shuddering while clenching around Layden’s cock. I feel him clench my waist and thrust to the hilt inside me.

My wrists and ankles are suddenly let loose, and I’m in Layden’s arms, shivering in spite of the warm water jetting all around us.

“Shhhhh,” Layden holds me close to his body, cock still buried inside me though he’s no longer glowing. “Shhhhh, you’re alright.”

I nod against his bare chest. “S-s-so, s-s-so good,” I chatter.

He lifts me, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me inside. There’s already a fire burning in the fireplace. I don’t remember him lighting it, but then, he always does seem to think of everything. He lays us down on the couch, and I sigh sadly when he slips out of me.

At first, I have the ludicrous thought that maybe we just made another baby! But no. We put a stop to all that. Maybe not permanently, but at least for now.

Sabra helped us with a contraceptive spell before she took off backpacking on a spiritual quest to find herself, as she put it. I told her she should stay, that I would help her work through whatever trauma my grandfather had inflicted, but she just shuddered at the word and said that no, she needed to go find her own way for a while. I let her go, knowing that while I would always consider her family, mine might be too painful a face to see for a long time. Maybe forever.

I have plenty of family now. I just hope the same for her one day.

I shake my head, little spasms still shooting through my legs from the incredibly intense orgasm Layden just gave me. “I’m so glad you came back to me.” I roll my eyes. “Even after making you wait so many years.”

“Are you kidding? I would have waited forever.”

I throw my arms around him in a hug. “I love you so fucking much.”

“I love you so fucking much,” he says into my hair. “And I’ll love you forever, my beautiful, beautiful wife. It feels so good to be able to call you that and know you feel it as much as I do.”

I grin into his chest. “I can’t wait for our forever to start now, husband.”

* * *
