Page 82 of Cody

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“Do you believe that?”

“I do now. I didn’t at first, but if I hadn’t gone in, how would I have met the love of my life?”

She quickly blinked away tears, but one still managed to escape down her cheek.

“How would I have met mine?” She shook her head. “I loved Stuart. I did, but what I feel for you is so much more. I moved on from losing him, but I could never move on from losing you.”

“I will never leave you until God calls me home.”

“I feel the same.”

Cody sat up and took her hand, looking deep into her eyes.

“I want to spend my life with you, Addison. I want to marry you and have children with you.”


“Of course. Isn’t that what people in love do?”

“Yes, it is.” She nodded with a smile. “I’ll marry you and we can raise our family here.”

“How many kids?”

“How many do you want?”

“A bunch.”

“Oh sure, it’s easy for you to say since you’re not the one popping them out.”

“True, but I like popping them in.” He chuckled as she playfully punched his arm.

“I’m happy to sign a prenup,” she assured him.

“There’s no need for that, sweetheart. We’ll never be apart, and everything I have is yours too,” he replied.

She sealed his words with a kiss on his lips. They leaned back, wrapping their arms around each other, and watched a hockey game while the snow fell softly outside the windows.


Addison snuggled closer to Cody, unable to stop the grin from spreading across her face. She never imagined she could be this happy. Looking back on her past with Stuart, she realized she had never truly been content. He was always gone, focused on his duty to their country, and though she knew he loved her, he struggled to show it. She was proud of him for serving, even though it cost him everything. But with Cody, she felt complete.

His arms wrapped around her, and she felt at peace as he rested his chin on her head. This was the perfect afternoon, spending time with the one she loved most in the world. She knew they would always love each other deeply. The thought of starting a life together made her so happy. And someday, they’d have a little boy who looked just like his daddy. Addison couldn’t help but smile at the idea of raising a heartbreaker like Cody. But she trusted him not to break her heart, just as she promised never to break his.

In early November, Addison chuckled as she listened to Kinley chatting with a rugged cowboy. Her friend flirted shamelessly, but when he walked away, she turned to Addison.

“Did you reject him?”

“I did. He’s very handsome, but I didn’t feel any connection. It’s a shame.” Kinley scanned the crowded bar. “This is a perfect spot for your engagement party. I can’t believe how many people are here.”

“Cody told Gray about it, and word spread quickly through the three towns. No one can resist a good time.”

“Speaking of Cody, where is he?”

Addison glanced around and shook her head.

“I have no idea. But I’m sure he’s having fun wherever he is.”

Kinley stood up and looked around.
