Page 49 of Slay

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“I bet you taste real fucking good, sweets,” he whispered before running the tip of his nose along my neckline.

When he straightened back up, I was still standing there in a haze of confusion and need. Never in my life had I felt the things that he caused to stir up in my body. This had to be real. It felt more real than anything ever had in my life. I couldn’t make this up. My imagination wasn’t this creative.

I watched as he turned his focus back on the race. Forcing myself not to stare at him, I did the same. I didn’t understand much of anything that was happening other than horses were being raced around a track. People were cheering. A few shouted curse words.

The warmth of King’s body as he moved closer to my side made me tremble. His hand slid over my hip, and he leaned down. “The horse that just won was one of ours. Not here, but from our ranch in Ocala, Florida,” he explained as his hand moved down over my butt. “A lot of bets were placed, so majority of the folk here won a good deal of money.” His fingers brushed the skin just past the edge of my shorts.

I jerked, but said nothing, nor did I move when he slid his hand over until the tips of his fingers were underneath my shorts and edging between my legs. Breathing was getting more difficult.

“You want a drink?” he asked me, swiping a finger inside the crotch of my panties.

I grabbed his arm then and let out a small sound. The tingle that shot through me was unfamiliar and startling.

While I tried to suck in some air, King pulled his hand out from under my shorts and moved it back to my waist. “Let’s go get you a drink. There’s food too. You hungry?”

I stared up at him. Was he serious? My entire body felt flushed, and I was panting, yet he seemed as if he hadn’t just had his hand inside my panties.

“What?” I asked when his eyes met mine.

He grinned and then stuck a finger inside his mouth and sucked. I stared at him, gaping. Was that the one he’d touched me with?

“That’s even better than I imagined,” he said in a husky tone, then tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear with his damp finger. “What do you want to drink?”

“Moira is fucking Wells in the hot tub,” Thatcher announced as he walked into the room.

King didn’t even glance his way. He nodded his head toward the bar, then pressed his palm to my back to lead me over to it so I could get a drink.

“I bet he’s not spanking her ass the way she likes,” Storm called out as he moved the girl in his lap to straddle him.

I jerked my eyes off them, wishing I hadn’t looked over there again. She was topless now, and I wasn’t sure if they were going to have sex right there in front of everyone. Surely not.

“Tell me what you want to drink, sweets,” King said to me.

I shook my head. I didn’t know. I wasn’t sure I could drink. His hand covered mine, and he walked me around to the other side of the bar, then came up behind me, placing both his hands on either side of me, caging me in.

“They’ve all been drinking. Three of our horses won today. Everyone is celebrating,” he said as he bent down and pressed a kiss to my bare shoulder. “They’re gonna fuck, sweets. It’s what they do. They will do it so everyone can see. Tell me what you want to drink, and I’ll take you upstairs so you don’t have to watch.”

Was he going to leave me there? Then what? Come back down here and join the orgy or whatever this was about to become?

“Vodka soda,” I whispered, deciding I needed something stronger if I was going to survive this.

He dropped his arms and moved away from my back. I immediately missed his warmth, but I didn’t want to think about that too deeply. I had too many other thoughts going through my head. Like the fact that he’d touched me and sucked his finger.

I placed a hand on my cheek, and it was warm. I was warm. Everything was warm.

“Here you go, sweets,” he said, placing a drink in my hand.

My fingers wrapped around the cold glass, and I was tempted to press it against my flushed face. Just to cool off.

King’s hand was on my back again. “Time to leave unless you want to watch the show.”

I started walking as he nudged me on. My eyes locked with Thatcher’s, and he smirked, then closed his eyes and stretched his neck. It was then that I realized a woman was on her knees in front of him. Holy crap. I jerked my gaze back to the door and kept it focused on the exit. Getting out of here.

When we were out of the sex den, I stopped walking. “I want to go back to the cottage. I don’t want to be left alone upstairs.” Why had he brought me to this? Clearly, he’d known this was what would happen.

“I’m not leaving you alone upstairs,” King replied and turned me the opposite way from where we had entered.

I continued on, but I wanted clarification. “Are you not coming back down here…for the celebrating?”
