Page 25 of More Than Promises

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Piper’s head juts out of the stall long enough to suggest, “I’m sure Molly won’t mind taking her place.”

“Excuse me?”

I don’t appreciate that spark of mischief in those mismatched eyes. She knows damn well Wade would get a kick out of watching me make a fool of myself.

“Absolutely not. In case you’ve forgotten, my mortal enemy is out there, and I’m trying my best to avoid him.”

“I do believe you said a night with one of those stiffs was exactly what you needed, was it not? Besides, you’re fine as hell, Mol. Forget what that idiot thinks.”

“It could work.” Fern glances at her watch with a streak of sweat gliding down the side of her brow. “I don’t suppose you’ve got a dress hidden under those overalls?”

“I’m not doing this,” I say, but Piper’s already closed her and Claire’s stall.

When she shucks her dress off and drapes it across the wall of the empty one beside them, Fern takes that as her cue to shove me inside it and close the door behind me.

Panic grips me as I stare at her simple black dress. It’s pretty, but nowhere as nice as the other women’s gowns. “I’m going to be laughed off that stage, Piper. I-I can’t do this.”

“Coming from the woman who made out with a total stranger on a whim, I beg to differ.”


“Yeah, because I thought I’d never see him again, but thanks for the reminder that he’s out there, too.” I roll my lower lip between my teeth, still definitely-probably not considering it. “Do you want me to embarrass myself?”

“No, what I want is for you to quit being such a chickenshit and go show those hoity-toity assholes what Molly Hart is really made of.”

“Time’s ticking, ladies,” Fern says.

Needing a moment to process, I lock the stall, and Piper’s tone softens. “I know every one of those guys is going to jump at the chance to take you out, and it’s going to feel damn good to rub that in Wade’s face. Now trade me clothes and get your perky ass out there.”

Beneath the stark raving panic is a thread of hope that she might be right. Sure, I’m not a busty, sparkly-gown-wearing broad, but the shimmery eyeshadow Piper smeared on my eyelids tonight has to count for something.

More than that, if I do this, I can prove to Wade once and for all that I’m not afraid of him, show Rowan that his nonchalance has zero effect on me, and for one night, I could pretend that I’m just like everyone else.

Fern rattles the door, grumbling for me to hurry up, and I jolt into action.

“Screw it. Let’s do this.”

Piper whoops excitedly as I sling my shirt and overalls over the stall and then quickly slip into her dress.

Since I’m taller than her, the V-cut top plunges low, exposing my cleavage, while the bottom hem just barely reaches the middle of my thighs. It’s almost a perfect fit, but at least the sleeves cover my arms and shoulders, leaving my birthmark concealed.

My hands smooth down the front, freezing at my hips.

“Where are the pockets?”

More importantly, where does she keep her snacks?

“Give me your phone. I’ll hold on to it,” she says once we’ve swapped shoes and outfits.

I swing the door open to give her my things, then pause to glance at my reflection in the mirror. “Whoa.”

So that’s me in a dress, huh?

After smoothing my hair into a classic low bun, Fern eyes me with begrudging approval. “Plain, but it’ll do. Let’s go.”

“Good luck, babe. You’re going to do great!” Piper calls as we exit the women’s room.

It’s an awkward walk to the stage in Piper’s three-inch heels that are half a size too small, and the breeze against my bare legs riddles them with goosebumps.
