Page 36 of More Than Promises

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Besides, he knows me better than anyone else. Would he honestly buy that I’m going to dinner with some guy he’s never met?

Oh, god. He’s going to ask so. Many. Questions.


“The library,” I spit out. “Pick me up at the library. Please.”

“Okay…” Rowan eyes me suspiciously. “Does that mean you’ve found a new mode of transportation?”

I smirk before walking right up to Dad’s old truck and giving her splotchy red frame a loving pat. “I think Big Red and I will manage, pretty boy.”

Chapter Nine


I didn’t budge on the overalls, but I did grab a clean pair, let my hair down, and reapplied my foundation, taking extra care to even the layers covering a portion of my ear, jaw, and neck.

Rowan, however, has changed into a light, sand-colored two-piece suit with a sage-green dress shirt. I’m not quite sure what to make of him changing outfits just for this, but he does have incredible taste.

“How many of these cars are at your disposal?” I ask from the passenger seat of a black Porsche Cayenne.

“Do you like it?” he asks, but I’m not sure why he cares.

“This might be the nicest car I’ve ever ridden in. Oh wait. I forgot about the time Big Red broke down for an entire week, and Huey had to loan us a Honda Accord with automatic windows and heated seats—” I pause when he stares at me blankly. “What?”

“That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.”

I grin, playfully swatting his arm on impulse. “Shut up.”

A wisp of amusement tugs his cheek, and swathed in darkness with nothing but the glow of the dash lights, he looks devastatingly handsome.

I raise my hands after flipping the button to retract the sunroof and wiggle my fingers in the chilly night air. I’m not normally impressed with fancy things like this, but I have to admit, zipping down the long stretches of road that brings us closer to the mountains is kind of fun.

After parking at the curb out front, Rowan opens the door for me, and I marvel at the enormous glass doors of the restaurant and the tippy-top of the cliff it’s built into.

It’s only once my feet touch the ground that I notice the parking lot is vacant.

“Shall we?” Rowan asks, placing his hand on my lower back.

A rush of warmth gathers at the base of my spine as he guides us inside.

My jaw drops. “How did you… What…?”

The entire restaurant is completely empty, save for a handful of servers, two violinists positioned at the back of the room, and the host.

“Welcome to Château De Montagne, Mr. Kendrick. If you and your lovely companion will follow me, I’ll take you to your seat.”

The interior has been molded into the natural red rocks of the cavern, highlighted by rustic light fixtures. Glossy wood tables are arranged around the perimeter of the room, with gold lamps jutting from the stone walls. The entire space has a refined, yet cozy, ambiance.

It’s elegant, classy, and… “I’m wearing overalls.”

“Little late to be self-conscious now, kitten.”

I cut my eyes at him. “Keep calling me that and see if I don’t bite.”

His lips brush my ear, fanning a breath across my cheek. “Promise?”

A sliver of heat coils in my belly as the host deposits us on the far-left side of the room beside a wall made entirely of glass. The silhouetted view of the hills, trees, and valley below, as well as the hundreds of stars sprawled across the sky, takes my breath away.
