Page 51 of More Than Promises

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An arrogant smirk twitches my lips. “Not yet.”

Chapter Twelve


I’m off flower duty the following morning, so I take the opportunity to stop by Piper’s bakery, and as per girl code, I spill the tea. I even, reluctantly, fill her in on the situation with the greenhouse, too.

She swipes two of her town-favorite vanilla bean cupcakes from a baking rack in the back and hands one to me. “Really wish you’d told me how badly you were struggling before now. You know I would have helped in any way I could.”

Her dejected frown sends a tiny fissure through my heart, and I reach for her hand across the stainless-steel table between us. “I’m so sorry, Piper. And before you even think it, of course I trust you. I’m only just realizing what a giant problem this whole greenhouse thing is now that we’re basically broke.”

“Well, I’ll hand it to you,” she muses after tapping her cupcake against mine, “when you said you’d find another way, I didn’t think you meant getting engaged and shacking up with a billionaire. That’s fucking brilliant.”

“We’re shacking up temporarily,” I correct her before licking a streak of buttercream icing from my thumb. “Rowan and I have an understanding.”

“Right. Right.” She cocks a brow, perking back up. “So how long until you guys start having sex?”


“Oh my god. You already are, aren’t you?”

I scrunch my face while finishing the last delicious bite.

“What? He’s loaded and lives in a mansion,” she says. “It’s not like I’d blame you.”

“I can’t believe you. He’s a Radley, remember?”

She eats what’s left of her cupcake before absently picking at the light green wrapping. “Eh. I don’t love it, but you said it yourself, it’s temporary.”

“I’m not buying that.” I point an accusatory finger at her. “There’s more to your sudden compliance than you’re letting on. Now spill.”

After pursing her lips, she finally caves. “Okay, okay. So maybe I’m hoping you can convince him to let me buy the building next door. You know, by wooing him with your magical pussy.”

I shove her wiggling fingers away. “I knew it.”

“Besides that, it’s not like I’m the one who’s nailing him.” She slaps the metal table with a disbelieving laugh. “Could you imagine? Oh, god. Mom would disown me.” Then, more seriously, she says, “Speaking of… You probably shouldn’t expect her to come to the wedding.”

“Earth to Piper.” I tap her forehead. “Have you completely forgotten that the last wealthy guy I dated hung me out to dry? I’m sure Rowan isn’t any different.”

“That’s not true,” she says, brushing our empty wrappers into a trash bin behind the counter. “Because if it were, you wouldn’t have agreed to do this, no matter how desperate you were.”

I hate that she’s right.

“Okay, you’ve got me there. But that doesn’t change the fact that the only reason this is happening is because we’re using each other. Adding sex into the mix sounds complicated, and after everything I’ve been through, I don’t know if I can handle complicated.”

“Um, correction. You can handle anything.”

I huff a laugh. “You know what I mean.”

Sympathy softens her face. “I do, and I understand keeping your guard up, but you’re living every girl’s fantasy right now. I honestly think you should ride this whole thing out and enjoy yourself a little. I wasn’t lying when I said you deserve some pampering.”

Well, at least she didn’t tell me I was bat-shit crazy.

She rounds the table before enveloping me in a hug, and I stand, squeezing her tight. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, babe.” Pinching my butt before spinning me for the exit, she says, “Now shoo!”

* * *
