Page 82 of More Than Promises

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Johnny cuts him an offended glare.

“Don’t mind the new guy,” I say, patting Rowan’s shoulder. “He’s just gotta get used to it. We’ll take two more and a couple of beers, please.”

The bartender grunts, Rowan groans, and I wiggle my hips as we drink the second round before worming our way through bodies to an open high-top table by the dance floor.

Tillie’s is packed tonight, and the same crowd that’s been dancing for the last two songs stomp their boots in time to Big & Rich’s ‘Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy.’

“At least try not to offend people with your abrasive opinions.”

He places a hand on my lower back to steer me out of the path of a group of giggling girls. “That’s a big ask, considering I’m burdened with so many.”

“It’s a good thing I won’t have to put up with them for much longer, then,” I tease around the lip of my beer bottle.

He watches me take a long sip, and my arms tingle with the start of a good buzz. “Eager for a divorce already?”

Am I?

I elbow his chest. “You’ll be a lot less of a pain in my ass from Seattle, that’s for sure.”

That makes him chuckle, and damn if I don’t adore him when his guard’s down like this. When the two of us can be just that—us.

“Well, well. Guess it’s true that shy little Molly Hart snagged herself a man.” We turn toward a woman with rhinestone boots and a chambray top tucked into a long, cream-colored skirt. “And a handsome one at that.”

“Delaney,” I greet her with a tight smile. “This is Rowan, my fiancé.”

Much like Wade, she was never very kind to me. In eighth grade, she persuaded the only boy to ever ask me to a dance to dump me for her. She made sure I was watching while she slow danced with him that night, too.

“Oh, honey, you don’t have to brag.” She wrinkles her nose like I’m a child showing off her favorite toy. “We all know what a prize this one is. I just needed to see it for myself.”

She sizes him up like a lioness waiting to pounce. “Congratulations to you both. Gosh, I bet you’re getting excited for the big day.”

Rowan loops one arm around my shoulders, presses a kiss to my temple, and subtly orders, “Lift your chin, kitten. Hold eye contact, and for the love of god, stop fidgeting.”

Right. Confidence.

My spine straightens as I do as he’s asked.

“We’re very excited.” I place a covetous hand over his and lean into him convincingly. “You’d be surprised how good Rowan is at picking decorations.”

“Aw!” She clutches her chest, directing that snake-oil stare at Rowan. “I love a man who isn’t afraid to embrace his feminine side.” Turning back to me, she adds, “Let me know if you need a hand with anything.”

“Thanks. I just might take you up on that,” I say, knowing damn well I won’t.

Delaney gives me a quick hug and blows a kiss to Rowan before sashaying her way back to whatever corner of hell she spawned from.

“You’re getting better,” he says once she’s out of earshot.

I huff an unconvincing laugh. “And you’re determined to make me something I’m not, aren’t you?”

His thumb traces small circles over my hip, lightly grazing the exposed skin under my shirt. “No, Molly. I’m determined to show you who you are.”

I swallow hard as my pulse pounds. I knew there was a chance we’d be approached tonight, but I wasn’t prepared for the not-so-fake feelings that are bolting around my body.

The alcohol loosens my tongue. “Delaney’s beautiful.”

Honest as ever, he agrees, “She is.”

I twist to face him, looking up at his eyes as he’s so hell-bent on teaching me to do. “I know this thing between us isn’t real or whatever, but I appreciate you not flirting with her.”

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