Page 56 of Her Last Words

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“Uh, yeah, but he left for home about midnight.”

Which would have left Kaitlyn hanging around Luis’s empty apartment, also proving her a liar. “What time did you start hanging out?”

“About six that night.”

“Are you willing to sign a statement to that effect?”

“Sure, no problem. Where would I do that?”

She told Courtney to go to the front desk at Central and give them her name. Amanda would leave an envelope there for her with paperwork to sign. “When should we expect you?”

“I can be there in fifteen minutes.”

Won’t Luis Navarro be a happy man… “Thank you.”

Courtney hung up without a goodbye, but it was the conversation that shook Amanda’s world. She made eye contact with Trent. “We’ll need to cut Navarro loose.”

“That was Courtney What’s-Her-Name, I take it?” He smirked.

“Courtney Buikema, as it turns out, and she’s alibied him.”

“And we believe her?”

“She’s willing to put statement to paper, and it’s not like Navarro was free to contact her and tell her to lie.”

“Very true. Back to ground zero.”

“Not exactly. We have Sheldon Lowe to look into. How about you pull his background while I type out Courtney’s statement for her to sign?”

“Do you want me to pull one on Kristopher Black too? For all we know his relationship with Felicity turned sour.”

“I didn’t get that feeling from him, but a look at his background wouldn’t hurt.”

“All right, consider them both done.”

She drafted the statement and handed it over to the officer at the front desk. When she returned, Trent flagged her over.

“Not a smudge on Black. Not one on Lowe either.”

“Except for what we’ve been told about his behavior in following Felicity to all her signings.”

“Exactly. The lowdown on Lowe… He’s forty-two and lives in a house in Dumfries—that we knew from Felicity’s agent. From what I could tell he holds the mortgage and doesn’t rent. He lives alone.”

The vague picture potentially painted someone with an isolated existence with time on his hands. “Employment?”

“It’s Criminal.”


“A bookstore called It’s Criminal.”

She didn’t remember seeing any by that name in Prince William County, but she couldn’t profess to know the local hotspots for buying books. She’d picked up hers at the grocery store. “Where is that located?”


“Did they open recently or…?”

“Don’t know. I take it you haven’t heard of them either?”
