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I quickly looked for the admin again as I left, but her chair was empty behind the glass. Just my luck that I’d miss her. I hadn’t felt this way in years. With my body still warm and my mind racing over this woman I barely knew, I dialed up Dominic. He should still be working at the shop at this time, but luckily he picked up. “What’s up?” He answered, out of breath.

I tried not to give it away but I was horny as hell. “Not much, just wanted to see if you could grab a late lunch? I can stop by.” I kept my voice neutral, but Dominic knew me better than that. We had met in high school and had been immediately drawn to each other. I could try to play coy, but he knew me inside out and sensed something in my voice.

“Is my beta feeling a little antsy today?” I heard the grin through the phone. He could sense my needs from miles away. I blushed even though there was no one else around.

“You could say that. So, can I stop by?” I’d take him in the car if I needed to. My cock was already twitching at the visual of his eyes closing and his head rolling back, his abs clenching while I took his cock to the hilt.

“Let’s meet at home. I’ll take off early today. I need to use up some of my vacation days.” His voice lowered slightly and I could almost hear the slightest growl as he spoke. He must have been imagining something obscene, and I nearly ran to my car as I answered him. “See you there!”

I got home as quickly as possible, but Dominic had still beaten me. I threw the door open and saw him approach me with a predatory look in his eyes. All six foot four of him, green eyes nearly glowing as he shortened the distance between us. He was a vision, a beast of dark hair and ripped muscles, skin still smudged with oil from the shop, and no matter how long we had been together my breath always caught at his dark beauty. I barely had time to throw my keys on the counter before he was on me, grabbing my wrists and pushing me back into the wall, raising my arms over my head as his mouth met mine. He kissed hard, passionately, and with complete ownership. I gave as good as I took, feeling his body press against mine as he caged me against the wall. His hips ground into mine almost painfully. He moved his mouth down as he sucked across my jaw, then lower to my neck, biting and sucking at my clavicle as he made his way down. I pushed back against him, struggling a bit as he hit my sensitive spots, his stubble a sharp contrast to his wet, warm mouth. He used one hand to keep my wrists pinned above my head and reached down with the other to stroke my bulge through my pants.

“What’s gotten you so riled up, hmmm?” Dominic’s deep voice sent shivers down my spine as he nipped at the flesh where my neck met my shoulder. “I love seeing you like this, so damn desperate.” His growl deepened as I felt his teeth pull on my earlobe. “I’m going to make you come so hardyou’llbe the one taking vacation tomorrow.” I pushed back against his hands, fighting him for dominance. He was bigger, and an alpha - he would always eventually win. But we both loved the struggle. I finally managed to shove him back, watching him stumble a few steps before righting himself. Before he could grab me, I had my hands on his jeans, pulling them down as fast as possible, tearing his briefs down along with them. I watched his cock spring out, the most perfect cock in the world. His tip was already wet with precum, and without taking any time or easing into it I took him all the way down, sucking on him while he grabbed my hair so tight I almost yelled.

“Fuck! Declan!” I looked up to see his face in beautiful agony as I moved on him, throwing all my pent-up frustration into what I was doing. My own cock was rock hard thinking about the sweet beta I had seen earlier. Would Dominic feel the same way if he saw her? Would he fantasize about her sweet breasts under that cardigan, wonder if she was quiet or loud in bed? Would he like her to take him in her mouth, on her knees just like how I was? Suck him off while I pleasured her from behind? The ideas racing through my head only made me moan harder as I worked his cock. He was nearly stumbling backward, his control of the situation momentarily disabled as I made him see stars. Then, he opened his eyes and grasped at me even harder. “Get on the couch.” He gritted out, and I gave him one long, last suck, letting his cock pop out of my mouth as I smirked at him. “Cheeky thing, aren’t you? Don’t worry, we have a long afternoon ahead of us. I’ll work that attitude out of you.” He grabbed me as I started to stand, and my grin only grew larger as he tried pushing me toward the living room. I tore off my clothes as we moved, eager to have my alpha claim me.

“Kneel on the couch and grab the back of it.” His gravelly command had a tinge of alpha bark to it, just enough that I followed his orders without thinking about it. He didn’t need to - I would do anything he said. But it turned me on when he did it, and he always happily indulged me. I knelt on the couch and gripped the back, bent over slightly. I felt him behind me, his rough hands running down my back. “I haven’t seen you this worked up in a long time. Don’t worry beta, I’ll take good care of you.” I felt the warmth of his body as he leaned over me, his lips now next to my ear. “I’m going to fuck you so good you won’t be able to think. You’ll be my empty-headed, sweet beta won’t you?” I groaned in desire as I felt his teeth nip at my neck, then kiss down my back as he gripped my skin. His hands reached around to pinch my nipples, ramping up my desire even more. He moved back for a moment, and I heard him reach for the drawer of the side table before I felt the cool touch of lube as he reached his fingers in between my ass, prepping me for his size. I couldn't take his knot, and even without it, he was large. But he always made sure to prep me, even when I was desperate for him. “Patience, beta. I told you I’d take care of you.” I felt him press against me, then gently press the pads of two fingers at my entrance as he made small circles.

“Alpha, please!” I begged, pushing back to get more stimulation from him. He indulged me, pushing inside me, using his fingers to stretch me out. I closed my eyes in relief, letting go and allowing my alpha to dominate me. He took his time, going slowly until I was begging again. Then I felt him pull out and replace his fingers with the smooth rounded head of his cock, pressing into me but pausing. I nearly yelled with frustration before I heard him chuckle and then enter me, pushing his entire length in almost up to the hilt. A low moan escaped my throat as he thrust into me, over and over while he leaned over and whispered filthy things in my ear.

“So needy, aren’t you? You wanted this so much. Show me.” All I could feel was his length rubbing against every sensitive spot inside me as I reached down and stroked my own hard cock. His hips slapped against my backside, his rhythm taking over as I ran my hand up and down my length imagining what we could do with the beta I saw earlier. Thoughts of her between the two of us raced through my head, and suddenly I was very close to finishing. Dominic sensed it and grabbed my hand from under me. “You don’t get to come yet. I’m the only one who gets to let you come.” I gasped in pleasure and frustration as he gripped my arm, twisting it back while he reached his free hand around to take my cock in his own hand. “So close so soon? I bet you want to come so badly, don’t you?”

“Yes, alpha!” He stroked me ever so slowly as I squirmed, trapped between his cock and the couch, straining for him to stroke me faster. He moved his hand, then slowed it, edging me over and over while I gasped for release. “Please, please let me come! Dom, I’m begging you!” I cried out, using his name instead of his designation. He mercifully moved faster, getting me right to the edge.

“Come for me.” He laced his words with an alpha bark, and I shuddered as I came harder than I had in years. It went on and on, and when I finally came back down to earth he was holding me in his arms, stroking my skin as I lay there limp and satisfied. I looked up at him and he cocked an eyebrow at me, smirking. “I don’t know about you, but I’m still up for several more rounds.” I grinned and nodded. After I caught my breath, I rolled over to kiss him some more. After all, we had the whole afternoon.

Hours later, we were laying in each other’s arms on the couch, watching the tv but not really paying attention. We had gone wild, both of us feeding off of each other’s passion. He was currently stroking my hair as I rested on him, feeling sated but still curious about the woman I saw earlier. “What’s on your mind?” Dominic could sense something through our bond. I shifted slightly to look at him. “Come on. I know something got into you today.” He tilted his head to leave a kiss on my forehead.

“It’s just… This beta I saw today. It reminded me of when we used to help omegas through their heat, and how nice it was to have a woman in the mix. Now that Aiden is finally putting us back on the registry it must have gotten me thinking. I saw a cute woman and just went a little crazy remembering all those times we had. I mean, before it all went to shit.” Dominic started running his fingers through my hair lazily.

“Oh really? So seeing a woman got you all fired up? I’m glad I was the recipient of your lust. Even if this whole courtship thing goes haywire again, we can at least try to have fun with it.” We decided to register our pack again after Aiden showed interest in the mystery omega. Dominic and I were open to it, but the last thing we wanted was for Aiden, or any of us, to get hurt again. Although he was our pack leader, he didn’t play sexually with Dominic and me. I knew he was missing the intimacy of an omega.

“If we do go down this route, let’s make absolutely sure she’s the right one before getting too serious. We can help an omega through her heat, but we will have to have boundaries to prevent another fiasco like last time.” I nodded at his words. We all felt the pain from our last failed courtship, but Aiden had been crushed, outwardly at least. But I also knew Dominic like the back of my hand. He had been hurt just as deeply, only he hid it better. “Anyway, he’s bringing home a packet from Omega Social Services about the woman we would be courting. If we all agree it’s a good idea, maybe we can try again. Besides, anything that gets you this riled up can’t be a bad thing.” He grinned down at me while I gave him a playful shove.

“Alright. Let’s get dinner started. I’m famished. Then maybe round four?”

Chapter 10


My body was going absolutely crazy. Not only was I dealing with massive mood swings, but I was now on a mission to seek out the softest, coziest materials I could find and bundle myself in them. I didn’t want to leave my bed for classes when I felt like this. All I wanted to do was make a cocoon and burrow away into it, shutting out the world. Callie said I would feel like this, but hearing it described and actually going through it were two different things. I felt like I couldn’t function unless my whole body was caressed by soft fabric. And to top it off, my nose was even more sensitive. The other omegas all had unique sweet scents that smelled nice at first, but quickly became overbearing to my nose if I was around them for too long. So, I hid myself away in my bed under a pile of blankets, which is where Callie found me.

“Piper? Are you alright? You didn’t attend class this morning.” She entered with a knock and approached my bed. I pulled a soft blanket over my head and groaned. “Do you need me to call the doctor?” I felt her sit on the bed.

“No. Just need more blankets.”

“Ah, I see. We can have that arranged. Nothing to worry about, nesting is completely normal and something that every Omega does before their heat arrives. Speaking of that, have you thought any more about looking through the scent book for a potential match, at least for your first heat? Now that your nesting has increased, you need to start taking it seriously. If your heat springs up without someone of your choosing, we can pull in an alpha volunteer. Or several, from the Alpha Surrogate program.” I groaned at the thought. The staff had been adamant that I needed to create my profile now that I was becoming more adjusted to my designation. They had set up for me to get my photos taken, a bio written, and my profile ready to be sent out to potential matches. As far as picking someone to help me through this “heat” that would be coming, I still couldn’t stomach the idea of picking a relative stranger - or strangers - to have sex with me while I was going through some incredibly horny flare-up.

“No.” I burrowed deeper, and Callie lost patience. She began yanking the covers back, exposing my face.

“Look. I get you are going through some rough changes, and I know this is all new to you. But you can’t deny your biology forever. Fighting the process will only make it harder on yourself, and everyone here is just trying to help you. Now, we have you scheduled to take photos later this afternoon. Either get up, come down to get hair and makeup done, or I will literally let them take a picture of you just like this. But I can assure you, your chances at a decent pairing will be limited if you don’t put your best self forward.” I glared up at her and she sighed. “Be downstairs in an hour, or I’ll assume you want your photo to be a disheveled blanket burrito.” She stood and walked out. This was so unfair! I lay there stewing a bit before finally dragging myself out of bed. If I made it to the kitchen in time, I could still get leftover pastries from breakfast. One thing I couldn’t complain about was the free food here.

Soon I was nibbling on the end of a cream cheese pastry while the makeup artist glared at me for eating during her work. I wasn’t sure how they would get me to be pretty. I was plain looking, with basic brown hair and nothing particular about my features. A stylist was currently fixing my limp hair into soft waves while one of the Omega House staff peppered me with questions.

“Favorite hobbies?” She asked, laptop ready as she typed away.

“Um, hiking, and I guess… live music?” She frowned and waited for more.

“What about anything in the home, like cooking, sewing, arts and crafts?”

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