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The silence dragged on. Finally, Cy spoke. “She’ll never agree to go back.” Even Cy was looking worse than I’d ever seen him. He fared alright in the attack, but he couldn't stop pulling off his glasses and inspecting them, a habit born from anxiety. He’d rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, his muscled arms twitching as he fidgeted. Our pack was a wreck right now.

“Then we have to do what’s right by her. We have to give her the chance for a normal, safe life. A happily ever after.” Kian’s words settled on us like a stone.

“No! She’ll think we’re rejecting her!” Jameson yelled the words, and did something I’d never seen him do. He dropped into the chair, put his head in his hands, and broke down. This man had killed people with his bare hands, tortured traffickers for hours, and been tortured himself. I’d never seen him so much as flinch before. His shoulders shook as he silently mourned the future that was to come. “She will hate us.” His voice was barely a whisper now.

“Yes, she will hate us. But we’ll be giving her a chance. And as for the alternative - how could we live with ourselves if we agreed to bite her in and it led to her being hurt?” We shuddered. None of us wanted to let her go. This would be the hardest decision we’d ever have to make. But we all knew her safety was more important than anything we wanted.

“We could change.” Cy’s voice was slow and cautious. We looked at him, wondering what he was thinking. “We could become a pack that would be worthy of her. A pack that could give her safety. And a real future, not one hiding away from the world.” My mind spun, trying to think of how we could be better for Bella. “We could stop what we do now. Go clean. No more missions, no more shady business. Everything above water.” What he was saying was the last thing any of us had considered. We’d grown up in a place where the strongest survive. We’d fought tooth and nail to build our livelihood here. Giving it all up for normal jobs would put us back at zero. I thought about it and stood to speak.

“It would give us a chance.” I said. “A chance to fight for her. A chance to give her the life she deserves.” I looked over at Kian, his face pure surprise. “Think about it, Kian. Since she’s been here, it’s been more obvious than ever that something was missing. We can’t keep on fighting in a place where the most corrupt win. It only leads to the next corrupt person taking them down, and on and on.” We all knew that Kian’s family legacy was one of a tenuous hold on power, each alpha only holding on until they were killed by the next person who was strong enough, and corrupt enough, to steal the top spot. “We could change. It wouldn’t be right away. And she can’t be here for it. But it would be the only way to give her what she truly deserves.” Their faces told me they knew exactly what I was thinking, as hard as it would be for us.

The pack looked at each other, considering it. We all had our special skills, but we could learn new ones. “It will take time.” Kian scratched at his stubble. He always did that when he was thinking.

“What if, by the time we change, she’s moved on to a better pack?” Jameson asked, his voice showing rare vulnerability.

“Then that was the pack that truly deserves her.” My answer seemed to seal the decision. The bond humming through us was settled, and we seemed to come to a decision.

I stood, leaning over the desk to plan while the pack started planning for the worst mission we’d ever have to complete.

Chapter 56


Everything was going to work out. I’d hatched a plan, and the pack agreed to go along with it. We would go to the authorities and I would tell them that yes, I was taken - but by a pack that kept me blindfolded. I’d say they kept me in good health, feeding me and keeping me secluded in a room where I couldn’t see or smell them. I’d say I escaped when the door was left unlocked by accident, and ran out when I saw an opportunity. My story would then include running into Maddox on the street, who recognized me from the news stories and took me to safety, where I met his wonderful pack. Then, they helped me to the police station where I could come and show I was safe. Their pack could collect the reward, and I’d say it was love at first scent. It was going to work. It had to.

“Let’s get you all bundled up for the ride.” Maddox said as he pulled an old sweater over my head. I looked down at it. The fabric smelled of an old attic.

“Where did you get this thing?” I asked, looking at the raggedy sleeves. Maddox went about helping me dress, not looking at me as he continued to help me into the clothes.

“Oh, just an old donation center. After all, we can’t have you showing up smelling and dressing like you’ve been living at our mansion all this time.” I suppose he had a point. After all, we needed to sell the story that mystery captors had kept me in a room for weeks, and that I ran out in the past few days. I looked at the clothes. They’d have to do.

“It’s going to be great! I’m going to tell them I saw you and your beta senses took over immediately, helping an omega in distress.” I already had the details in my head. Maddox nodded absentmindedly as he finished up.

“There. Let’s go out and see the pack before we head to the station.” We walked out of the room and I was practically skipping with joy. This whole debacle would soon be behind us. I was worried about Maddox’s wound, but he kept brushing it off every time I tried asking about it. “It’s nothing, little one.” Then he would pick me up and hold me as if it were me who was stabbed during the attack.

We went out to the living room where the rest of the pack was waiting. The mood seemed off. There was some type of tension, a somber mood in the air, even though they all gave me a smile. Kian kneeled down and scooped me into his arms. “Bella. You’re the most wonderful thing that happened to our pack. I can’t tell you how much I thank the universe every day for the way we messed up our mission and snatched you instead.” I giggled into his white-collared dress shirt. He’d finally shaved and his natural scent was strong. I breathed him in as he hugged me. “Always remember, you are better than any pack out there. You deserve the absolute best.” He whispered, and I gave his ear a nibble.

“That’s why I’m picking your pack.” I said with a smile, and he looked at me with an expression that I couldn’t quite read. Before I could interpret any further, Cy reached for me, his arms enveloping me as he hugged me into his chest.

“Sweet thing. You make us want to be a better pack. And we will be.” I hugged him, but pulled away to look at him. He’d hugged me so hard his glasses were askew. I reached up to straighten them.

“You act like you won’t be seeing me again. I’m just going to the station. I’m sure once I’m proven to be safe and healthy, they will let me come straight back.” Cy smiled, but it was strained. They seemed so unsure about the plan, but I was certain no one would separate us. I turned and grabbed Maddox’s hand. Jameson was waiting, his arms crossed over his chest and no smile on his face. I knew he wasn’t keen on my idea, but it was the best option we had. When I approached him, beaming to give him confidence in me, his face finally cracked into a broken smile.

“Come here, kitten.” He scooped me up and carried me as we went to the garage. “We’ll be sitting in the back of the van while Maddox drives. Ironic that this is when I finally get to sit next to you.” We went into the massive garage, where they had a variety of vehicles. We went over to what looked like a van for a small business.

“Why in the back?” I asked while he opened the back doors.

“Everyone is still looking for you. We want to make sure no one tries anything until we are safely at the police station. Don’t worry, I’ll be in the back with you the whole time.” The van was nice on the inside, with a cushioned bench and blankets with pillows on the floor. He placed me inside and stepped in behind me. Maddox shut the doors and headed to the front. Jameson scooped me into his lap and burrowed his face into my neck. The engine started, and I felt us moving as we began the trip. It was kind of fun to be in the back like this. An adventure, a plan, and a new beginning.

“Hey, is this the van you took me in the first time?” Jameson looked at me with surprise.

“It is. How did you know?” I looked around. It’s not like they could have carried me into a car in a public place like the castle.

“Lucky guess.” I grabbed Jameson’s hand and looked at him. We couldn’t see the landscape back here, so I just looked at his face instead. It was better than any landscape. I reached my hand up to cup his bearded cheek, glad that he didn’t have any lasting damage from the attack. He had an indescribable look in his eyes, and something about it set me on edge. “Everything’s going to be okay, Jameson.” We had to stay positive for this to work. His massive body enveloped me in warmth.

“You’re right, kitten. Everything is going to be okay. I want you to remember that. No matter what happens, no matter what life throws at you. Never lose sight of the fact that you can create your own future. Decide your own worth. No one can take that away from you.” I grabbed his hand in mine.

“Hey now, I can handle everything life throws at me now that I have all of you.” He shook his head as he pressed his lips against my hand in a gentle kiss.
