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“Seems the Deloney Pack has run into some trouble. Most of their company’s internal documents were leaked, showing proof that they were breaking quite a few employment laws. On top of that, it seems they were committing massive fraud - so much so that they are facing up to twenty years in prison.” I stood there in shock. “Someone hacked into their internal database and posted it all over, causing the feds to get involved. Apparently, the whole town was being bought out by a few families. They’re doing a full scale investigation.” Cy relaxed back into the couch as I stepped toward him.

“And does this hacker happen to be sitting in front of me by any chance?” Cy shrugged and gave me a grin.

“All I know is that pack was highly corrupt, and the hacker did the whole town a service.” Kian walked over to stand beside me. “I agree. And with all their financials exposed by the media, their assets were frozen. Without their stolen funds, it seems they can’t support their high rolling lifestyle. They are filing for bankruptcy.” I looked between them, still in shock that the pack who had done me so wrong was finally being given their karma. Maddox chimed in. “And since they have no funds and a very expensive omega, she’s decided to leave them. She filed for a separation to get her bonding bite to fade. It will likely take a year or so, but after that, I highly doubt any other omega will go near them. That is, if they aren’t in prison by then.” I turned to Maddox, looking at his smug smile.

“You knew about this? The whole time we were out shopping? This didn’t just happen overnight!” They had clearly been planning their revenge on the Deloney Pack for some time. I turned to face him. “I thought you all were not doing any more dangerous criminal missions! And next time, tell me what you are up to!” Jameson reached for me, pulling me close.

“Kitten, I promise I won’t leave you in the dark. But when someone hurts what is mine, I have to even the scales.” I felt a rush of warmth in my chest. He was protecting me. Just like he’d promised.

“Alright, no more exacting revenge, though. That pack is already getting enough payback for what they did.” I grumbled as Kian strolled over and sat down next to Jameson. I was more upset that I didn’t get to participate in Pack Deloney’s downfall, to be honest.

“Possibly. There was an anonymous tip called in to the omega protection services. It seems both their pack, and some of their father’s packs were exploiting local unbonded omegas. I wouldn’t feel any sympathy for what they are going through, Bella. They are dealing with the consequences of their actions, which have gone unchecked for far too long.”

“You all said you were done with crime!” Even if what they were doing was technically avenging me and the other people that Pack Deloney had hurt, I didn’t want my pack caught up in anything. Kian wrapped his arms around me from behind.

“We won’t put ourselves in danger, Bella. But I can’t promise we won’t protect what is ours in any way possible. And there are plenty of ways to deliver consequences without putting ourselves in harm’s way.” Kian said confidently while Jameson grinned at me.

“Old habits die hard, kitten. But I promise, we will work our hardest to be good, upstanding citizens for you. Most of the time, anyway.” Jameson said as he gave me a wink. I sighed. I was actually impressed at the way they had taken down the powerful packs in my old town. It was a great step in cleaning up Goldpine, and hopefully the town could start going in the right direction.

“Next time, I’d like to know when you plan a mission of vengeance.” Jameson stood and wrapped me up from the front, making a sandwich between two alphas.

“We will, kitten. But I have a feeling no one will ever mess with you, or your family, ever again.” Cy and Maddox joined in, squaring me into a pack hug that made me feel elated. I felt their love through our bonds, and sent my own feeling right back through. These men were all I needed, and had protected me like no one else. I finally had the pack of my dreams, although it came about in a way I could never have predicted.

After a brief snuggle session, I heard a stomach grumble. “Sounds like someone needs one of my world famous treats.” I teased as the guys looked down at me. After all the pampering, I figured I could bake something for them. It was one of my favorite hobbies, after all.

“As long as you let me help you out.” Cy said with a smile.

“The last time you helped me with baking, we ended up burning the cookies.” It was true - when I’d tried baking last week, we ended up in a pile in the living room, while Cy distracted me with his tongue.

“Then it’s a good thing we have all day. With these alphas helping, we might need to bake several practice batches.” Maddox said as he lifted me to head to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes but gave in. He was right. We had our entire lives to practice.


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