Page 32 of Willing Prey

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I brace myself for the no. Keith had been adamant that the hunt only went one way, and while I can live with that, a part of me is desperate to know how it feels to be the predator, to be the hunter.

His whole body goes rigid. “You’d want to hunt me?”

“I’d like to try.” I hurry to add, “But only if you want to.”

“Fuck yes,” it’s an exhale of an answer, more of a prayer. The want in his voice fuels my need. I need to see Shane run from me. Hunt him down. Wear him out. When there’s nowhere left for him to run, watch him yield.

“Good,” my voice is as breathless as his. “Because I’m getting turned on just thinking about it.”

He pulls back, eyes bright and goes to kiss me. I turn my head so he hits my cheek.

“You’ve got three minutes,” I whisper. “Do you know your safe word?”

He stares at me like I just asked him to shove his hand up my pussy and put on a puppet show with my body. “Now? You’ll hunt me now?”

“Like the good little deer you are.” Dropping a hand to his crotch, I give him a gentle squeeze. He isn’t hard, not yet, but things are moving in that direction. “Think you can give me a good hunt?”

“You have no idea,” his voice is thicker. His cock is too, swelling by the second in my grip.

I release him, stepping away. “Prove it. Three minutes.”

The grin that melted me the first time I saw it steals my breath again. He’s off, racing out of the campsite. Flames leap in my stomach. The urge to chase him makes it hard not to follow. I’ve always wanted to try this side of the hunt. Now I get to.

Anticipation builds, my body throbbing with a surprising ache. Chasing him. Catching him. Pinning him. It’s all I can think about, every other thought shoved from my head.

Shane has no idea what he’s in for.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve never been prey before. Adding another layer to the challenge, this isn’t my woods, so I also have no idea where I’m going. The complete vulnerability of doing something new in an unknown place only adds to the rush as I jog through the forest. The brush isn’t thick here, giving a decent line of sight. I keep glancing over my shoulder, and when I see Claire, I break into a real run. Her laugh echoes through the trees, and the pure delight in it makes me smile. Another glance over my shoulder shows she’s gaining on me. That wipes the smile off my face.


She’s fast today. There’s no way I’m getting caught this easy. I’ll never live it down. Pumping my arms, I run faster. Eventually, I’m at a flat-out sprint, my breath coming so hard it’s all I can hear. I have no idea how close Claire is. I know I shouldn’t look back, but the suspense is killing me. Any moment, she might tackle me. But looking back will slow me down.

Don’t look.

Don’t look.

I look.

As soon as I do, I know I fucked up. She’s right there, maybe a yard away. The drop in my pace is all it takes. Claire lunges, crashing into me. We tumble across the ground. It’s not a graceful takedown. Recovering quickly, she rolls to straddle me. Her cheeks are flushed, her eyes eager. My cock stirs, liking the hunger in her expression almost as much as the way she’s resting on my crotch.

“Yield.” She’s triumphant, a predator thrilled with her catch.

I nod, reaching for her. I want to pull her down, kiss her, fuck her.

Claire smacks away my hands. “Not a chance little deer, you know how this goes. Put them behind your head.”

I do, but I don’t want to. She rises to slip off her shorts, revealing blue cotton underwear already darkening with her arousal. There’s no way I can resist touching her. Like she’s reading my mind, she pins me with a fierce look.

“Don’t move your hands.”

“Fine,” I grunt. She settles between my thighs and begins unbuttoning my pants. I feel a bit more agreeable. It’s the slowest she’s ever moved, and I can’t keep my hips from shifting as she takes her sweet time freeing my cock.

“Don’t rush me,” she instructs, watching my cock burst free. I’m throbbing for her. Her hand is warm when she wraps it around my shaft, and I fight the urge to buck into her grip. As slowly as she undid my pants, she drops her face. Exhaling across my tip, she gives me a wicked grin when I can’t control my shudder.
