Page 105 of Rule of Three

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My bodyguard doesn’t try to save me. “Do not fear. I will be watching entire time.”

With a sharp tug, Mikhail pulls me into the heart of the chaos, with only his hand in mine as my guide. He keeps me close as we weave through the crowd toward a darker corner of the room. The music’s softer, the air cooler, the atmosphere more intimate. A few couples linger, but most move on as Mikhail and I claim our temporary home.

He lifts my arm high over my head and spins me, his smile bright as I tumble into his arms. “Get cozy, malyshka,” he murmurs, “because I’m never letting you go.”

My heart skips a beat, pumping faster than the music. “I thought that was Andrei’s line.”

Mikhail’s eyes flash even in the shadows. “We’re all keeping you, Valentina, whether you like it or not. But I have a feeling you do like it.” His hand slides across my hip, grazing the edge of my dress. Slowly, he lifts his palm beneath the fabric, brushing my heated skin with his fingertips. “I have a feeling you like it very much.”

His fingers dip between my thighs, a groan catching in his throat at what he finds there.

My body burns as he wraps his arm around me and cages me against his chest, pressing open-mouth kisses to my neck and panting in my ear. “I can’t wait to have you, Valentina. Would you let me fuck you right here? Drag you into a corner and drive my cock inside your dripping wet pussy?” He slides a finger inside my heat and curls, hitting just the right spot.

My breath hitches as a wave of pleasure ripples through me. “I thought we were looking for my demons,” I whimper.

He drags a knuckle against my walls and nips my sensitive skin. “I might have to share mine with you first.”

A shadow falls over us, and Mikhail’s attention shifts. His lips downturn in a scowl as he pulls his hand from beneath my dress.

“Behave,” Ezra’s voice rumbles behind me. “We have audience.”

“That’s part of the fun,” Mikhail says cheekily, thrusting his tongue into the pocket of his cheek. “You can watch while I play with her. You know she’ll like it.”

A rush of desire leaves my core drenched, and more liquid heat slides down my bare thighs.

I might like that, after all.

Ezra grunts and wraps his arms around my chest, dragging me away from my original captive. “Is that what you want, lisichka?”

I wouldn’t know how to form the words. Saying yes, daddy, please fuck me is still mortifying to imagine.

I wish my drinks were filled with something other than water. Maybe then I could lose myself in the moment, no matter where we are.

Ezra catches me staring out at the crowd and lifts his palm to my face, covering my eyes. “Do not look outside. Focus on me. Feel me.” With his other hand locked on my hip, he starts swaying us to the beat. Warmth radiates through his body into mine, and I lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder. Beneath the thrum of music, his voice rumbles in my ear. Phrases I can’t comprehend fall from his lips, the Russian whispers painting my skin with goosebumps.

“What are you saying?” I reach over my head to touch his face.

His arms lock tighter around me as he continues without pause, stubble scratching against my skin as he peppers his words with gentle kisses along my jawline. I don’t know how long we remain wrapped in each other’s arms, but the moment of peace is nice. My soul soothes as I breathe in Ezra’s scent and let him envelop me.

If this is a little piece of forever, I won’t mind.

Another person joins us, molding their body to mine from the front. I still can’t see, but I recognize the Russian rumble of Andrei’s voice. He laces our fingers together and lifts my hand to place over his shoulder, taking liberties as he spreads the barest of kisses down my wrist and inner arm.

A third pair of hands joins the others, palms grazing the curves of my waist, hips, and ass, caressing everything they can touch.

Mikhail, undoubtedly.

Teeth dig into my neck and someone’s hand travels lower. I try to guess who it is by feel, but another hand reaches between my thighs to cup my core, and all bets are off. My breasts are squeezed, nipples pinched, ass groped, clit teased. The music fades behind three indomitable Russians murmuring secrets into my skin, weaving love and desire into each reverent caress.

With every beat of my heart, I can feel myself falling deeper and deeper in love with these men.

We become a tangle of limbs as someone drags me in for a kiss. Ezra’s palm finally uncovers my eyes, but I can’t fathom opening them when someone grinds a hard cock against my thigh. My moan is swallowed before I’m able to make a sound. Our sultry seduction continues, with me barely able to come up for air.

Everyone can see us.

That singular thought pierces through the fog of lust, and I snap my eyes open. Across the dance floor, standing directly in a beam of soft blue light, is a familiar face.

A very tense ex-boyfriend-slash-boss.
