Page 110 of Rule of Three

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Andrei takes a deep breath but makes no move to intervene. “This is who we are, Valentina. This is what we do.” His fingertips brush against my throat idly. “We will always protect you, and we will always punish those who have wronged you.”

Liam’s words echo in my head.

You think they can protect you? Like they were able to protect your mom?

“He knows something.” I grab Andrei’s hand on my chin. “Andrei. He knows something about my mom. Make Ezra stop. Please.”

“I gave you time to talk. Now, it’s our turn.” My men aren’t using their words to talk. They’re using their fists.

A weight settles over my heart and a sense of calm fills my mind. If they won’t listen to me when I ask nicely or beg for them to stop, then fine. I’ll stop asking. I’ll order them.

“Ezra Reinoff, Mikhail Monrovia, release him. Now.” I dig my nails into Andrei’s wrist. “Andrei Leonov, get your fucking hands off me.” Adrenaline courses through my veins, making my body tremble. I know Andrei can feel it. I also know that he can laugh in my face and hold me down all he wants.

He is physically stronger than me.

But I am the heir to this Bratva, not him. His position as pakhan is temporary, if I make it so. He may hold the cards now, but the deck is stacked in my favor, not his.

In the end, I will always win. The Bratva will choose me over them if I force the issue, and they fucking know it.

Ezra and Mikhail exchange a look before releasing Liam simultaneously, dropping the man to the ground. His face is swollen and bruised, blood gushing down his crooked nose. He groans in pain, and hate flows through me.

I hate that the man I gave all of my firsts to is a fucking creep.

I hate that my men think killing someone is just another day in the office, like this is all normal.

I hate that this world speaks with violence before words.

It’s going to make my job much more difficult. I don’t want to rule over a kingdom of blood and lies.

“We’re not killing him. Leave him there, and let’s go.” If we don’t leave now, someone will kill Liam, and I have a feeling it’s knife-happy Mikhail who will do it for sport.

Ezra and Mikhail turn to face me. Ezra’s face is flecked with Liam’s blood, his fists covered in streaks of red. Mikhail’s smile is sharp at the edges, like he’s enjoying my new play at power immensely.

Andrei hasn’t followed orders, unlike the other two. “You don’t want to take him with us?” My fiancé’s lips graze the shell of my ear. “Ezra is a master at interrogation. If you want real answers, zhena, he can get them for you.”

I grab Andrei’s hand as it wanders up my waistline and caresses my ribs. Is he . . . feeling me up right now?

Heat rushes between my thighs, and I clench them together. That should not turn me on. This is so not the time or place to get freaky.

“I told you to release me.”

Andrei listens this time, unraveling his arms and taking a step back. He joins Mikhail and Ezra standing in front of me.

Of the three of them, I didn’t expect Andrei to follow orders. He’s made it very clear that I don’t give orders, I take them. But maybe it’s time I make my own fucking rules and stop following theirs.

I think of my mother and all the lessons she taught me about being a mafia princess. Stay silent. Do as you’re told. Be a good girl and a good wife, and you’ll be okay.

I hate to say it, but sorry, Mom, those rules haven’t done me much good lately, and I don’t think they did you any favors, either.

I used to think she was perfect.

Now, I wonder if she was just as scared as the rest of us and trying her best to survive.

My heart aches. I’ll never be able to ask her about her life or the choices she made. I’ll never know what she thinks of me coming back to the Bratva, or of me taking her place as its queen.

But maybe the truth wouldn’t help me, after all. Maybe I’m not meant to follow in my mother’s footsteps.

“We’re not taking Liam home with us, just so you can kill him behind my back.” I give Mikhail a pointed look. “We’re leaving him here, and you are taking me home. End of discussion.” I cross my arms over my chest. “If I have to walk home in these heels, none of you are sleeping inside tonight.”
