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“Wife,” I corrected, and Marcel’s eyes quickly fled to Hailo. Noticing the diamond on her finger- much bigger than the one he gave her- every muscle in Marcel’s body tensed.

“I don’t even know you,” Hailo retorted, her face twisted in confusion. She had quickly transformed, ready to attack, but she didn’t need to do that anymore. I could handle both of these niggas.

“You know those twenty bands you took, right?” Marcel asked sarcastically.

Hailo watched in disgust as I looked back at her, confused and irritated. This was my first time hearing about it.

“You like getting fucked like a bitch and running your mouth like one!” Hailo spat, trying her hardest to move around my desk. “Fuck you and that money!”

Her words made the room stand still before Marcel raced toward her. “Bitch I’ll kill you!”

“Do it. I dare you.” I warned, grabbing my gun from the top drawer and aiming it at his forehead. “You came in with your chest poked out, like the man. Do it!”

“Easy, we’re all among friends here,” TJ reasoned, putting his hands up to calm the situation.

“That’s what the fuck I thought.” My bottom lip was tucked between my teeth as I jabbed the gun barrel further into Marcel’s forehead like the bitch he was. He answered to TJ, but they both answered to me.

“Gianni, relax. We’re here to talk.”

“You walk in my shit talking about my wife, and you think I’m going to be calm? This nigga doesn’t know me, but you do!”

“The fact remains, Gianni, she took from my family. That can’t go unanswered.”

“Fuck your family!” I erupted because this nigga Trent was more of a bitch than I thought if he sent TJ here to check me about his own daughter.

I wasn’t even sure if TJ was aware of his relation to Hailo. Shit was complicated, and for her sake, now wasn’t the time to reveal that TJ was her brother. Hailo’s eyes nervously shifted from TJ to me as I lowered my gun and hit the intercom, and Daniel opened the door.

“Daniel’s going to make sure you get home. I’ll be there when I’m done, Pretty Lady.”

Hailo fought the innate urge to question what was going to happen next. Gripping the nape of her neck, I rested my forehead on hers, staring into her eyes for her to hold it together and do what I asked. She could break down in front of me because it was my job to be her safe space but never in front of another nigga. Especially one who broke her heart the way Marcel did. Hailo understood the words I didn’t utter and nodded.

She let out a soft moan as my tongue invaded her mouth. Hailo blinked a few times to reorient herself from the passion shared between us. Thankfully she was wrapped in my arms when I pulled away. Grabbing her purse off my desk, she held her head high and strutted out of my office, mumbling punk ass bitch as she passed Marcel.

Hailo shut the door, and I waited a few moments before resuming this pointless ass conversation.

“Whatever you think Hailo owes you, take it up with him. She saw a sucker, and she sucked him. That’s on his bitch ass,” I replied, purposely looking Marcel square in the eyes.

“You don’t know shit about your wife or me.”

“I know what I need to know.”

“Oh yeah? You knew she was a thieving ass bitch and still married her?”

“What the fuck did you say?” My feet moved across the room before my brain had time to process my hands wrapped around his neck. Throwing Marcel to the ground, I hovered over his flailing body, trying to snap his trachea.

“What bitch are we talking about? The bitch that got you laid out on the floor, barely breathing? The bitch that got you in your feelings so bad you’re moving like one? Be clear nigga. We’re not talking about any bitch. She’s my bitch, and don’t you ever fuckin’ forget it.”

Marcel’s eyes bulged as my teeth gritted, taking all my anger and frustration out on him. He wasn’t protected simply because he walked into my office with TJ.

What the fuck did Hailo see in this clown ass nigga.

“Aye, bro, even though his bitch ass doesn’t deserve it. Ease up.” Mack gripped my shoulder, likely because Daniel called him on his way to take Hailo home.

“We need to discuss reparations instead of arguing semantics,” TJ added to the conversation.

“Watch your mouth talking about my sister before I let him fuck you up.” Mack delivered a chilling warning to Marcel before asking TJ, “What the fuck do you want?”

“If I can be the bigger person and overlook Hailo’s indiscretion, surely he can allow us to do business again,” TJ proposed.
