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“You stupid motherfucka! You think you’re going to back me into a corner? Do you know who the fuck I am!”

“The nigga who needs to be careful of the company he keeps,” Marcel mumbled.

“Watch your motherfuckin’ mouth before not having a way to move your shit is the least of your problems,” Mack stated.

A smug grin manifested on TJ’s face as he tossed his hands up to surrender. I don’t know where his newfound confidence came from, but he was going to wish he had never touched that shit when I was finished with him. I wasn’t worried about Hailo’s safety. It was the principle of the situation, and TJ was out of pocket for even thinking he could come at me the way he did.

“Touch Hailo or anybody close to her, and it’s not an agreement standing that will keep me off your ass and his too. You think this nigga is bad?” Mack asked, stepping forward, damn near nose to nose with TJ, “I’m the wrong nigga to piss off. Trust me, now get the fuck out.”

“We’ll be in touch,” TJ smiled, tapping Marcel’s shoulder before turning for the door. His chest was heaving up and down, angry that I had put him on his back like a bitch, but I didn’t give a fuck.

“While you’re on the phone gloating to your pops about solving his little problem, make sure you ask him about Hailo and why he was so quick to overlook that money.” I tossed out, ruining TJ’s day the way he had ruined mine.

I could’ve busted his bubble and told him Hailo was his sister, but the pain of him wondering what I meant if Trent didn’t fess up would cut deep. TJ hesitantly shut the door on his way out, and I collapsed in the oversized leather seat, scrubbing my hair. Mack let me calm down while taking a seat, scrolling through his phone as if nothing had happened.

“Trent knew about the money?”

“According to TJ, he did. Trent didn’t mention it to me, though.”

“Twenty bands ain’t much to that nigga, but why wouldn’t he?”

“Hailo is Trent’s daughter.” Mack’s head cocked to the side, taking in everything I’d said. “She took some money from Marcel. Money that belonged to Trent and TJ; now he’s using that shit to back me in a corner because they can’t handle business.”

“When did she do that?”

“I didn’t exactly have time to figure it out.”

One minute I’m fucking my wife, and the next, I’m dealing with bullshit because her ex-fiancé is a bitch. I didn’t miss Hailo’s jab or Marcel’s reaction to it. She didn’t share many details about their relationship. Now I understood why that complicated things for her.

“What are you going to say to her?”

“I don’t know.”

“You need to figure it out before you go home. You can take your ass to my house tonight if you need to but going home and making a bad decision isn’t an option.”

My head turned to the side, eyeing him for letting the thought even cross his mind. Angry or not, that wasn’t me.

“That’s my wife. The mother of my child. I’m not going to do shit to Hailo.”

“Not purposely, but intention doesn’t matter. Once it’s done, there is no going back. Like I said, you need to figure it out, and if you can’t, I’ll stay with Lo and Renni. You can go to my crib,” Mack maintained, unbothered by my irritation.

“Daniel’s ass is getting fired if he doesn’t learn how to mind his business,” I mumbled, spinning my chair toward my desk because Mack was right. I would never physically hurt Hailo, but words did just as much damage.

“You need to give that nigga a raise for putting up with yo’ ass,” Mack casually replied, never looking up from his phone.

After wrapping up at the office, Mack and I went to grab something to eat. He called Tyson on the way to see if he wanted to join us, but he had plans of his own. Mack insisted that I grab Hailo some food, and I wasn’t surprised. She accused Sadie of being the president of my fan club, but Mack was hers.

Hailo’s head immediately popped up when I walked in. Part of me was hoping she was asleep so we could avoid this conversation tonight, but she was up and staring at me with confused eyes.

“What are you still doing up?”

“Waiting on you.”

“Not tonight, Hailo. It’s been a long ass day.”

“I need to say this. Then I’ll give you your space.” When I didn’t move or disagree, she climbed off the sofa, joining me in the foyer, clenching the baby monitor. “I didn’t think it was necessary, and maybe that was naïve of me, but I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would turn into this,” she reasoned, making excuses.

“You’re missing the point. I don’t give a fuck about the money Lo. I asked if there was anything you needed to tell me. I asked you if he was going to be a fuckin’ problem!”
