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"Call, text, or send a bat signal. Just let me know when you get there safely,” Sadie fussed.

"Yes, ma'am." Hanging up the phone, I finished getting ready for the day and waited for the car to pick me up.

DuPont Falls was a short drive from my hometown, but the company offered to cover transportation, and I wasn't going to turn it down. My thoughts found their way to Gi, as I stared out the window. I didn't intend to wake up and run off, but the idea of facing Gi scared me.

I wasn't a one-night stand kind of girl, but my heart was broken, and he was there, ready and willing to piece it back together. At the time, it seemed like a no-brainer until I woke up the following day. The sight of his naked chocolate frame resting peacefully almost stopped me. Leaving felt like the best thing to do, but it didn't stop me from thinking about him.

My eyes closed, using the commute as nap time until I arrived at the hotel. Thankfully, my meeting was in the same building. I checked into my room and changed clothes, and headed back downstairs.

Gossip Girls

Denim: Tell Gi I said hey when you get there.

Niyomi: Something is wrong with you.

Denim: I’m just putting good vibes into the atmosphere.

Me: Who said seeing Gi will be good vibes?

Denim: It damn sure was the last time you saw him.

Niyomi: That’s the problem.

Me: Bye Whores. I'll hit y’all after this meeting.

Niyomi: Knock them dead bitch. Love you, and be safe.

While my personal life was in shambles, my professional career was going great, which is what I had been focused on. My marketing proposal had been selected, and more clients would come if I nailed this meeting. Along with a hefty pay raise I would surely be needing.

"Good afternoon Miss Harrison. How was the ride?" My client asked, entering the room and shaking my hand.

"Smooth the way I like it. How are you, Lenny?"

"Eager to hear your pitch and see what you have planned."

"Well, let's get started," I smiled, excited to share the ideas I created for their campaign.

Lenny loved most of my ideas. Unfortunately, he didn't like what it would cost. That prolonged the meeting. I was starving and irritable by the time we agreed. The mall was near my hotel, so I decided to venture out and grab something to eat.

It felt good to be out and about without fear of seeing someone I knew. Marcel was well-known at home. His status magnified our engagement as well as its demise. People wanted to know what happened while I tried to move on and forget he existed. In DuPont Falls, nobody knew me and the amount of shit I had waiting at home.

The aroma from the pretzel stand immediately grabbed my attention, forcing me to give them my money along with a strawberry lemonade to wash it down. Quickly picking my items up, I headed for the courtyard to enjoy the weather. I was so focused on my pretzel I collided with a man whose powerful well-muscled body moved with an effortless grace that kept me from hitting the ground.

“Thank you. I’m sorry-.” My words were cut short when I looked up at the familiar face. The smile in his eyes disappeared, and his chin dropped to his hands, clenching my waist. His touch sent my pulse spinning the same way his eyes watched me dance from the balcony the night we met.

“Hailo.” His lips were speaking to me, but his eyes hadn’t moved from my stomach.

“Hey, baby, what’s taking so long.” A woman appeared smiling until she realized his hands were on me, which she disapproved of.

“I-I-I,” I stammered over my words, staring at the anger in his eyes.

“Gi, what’s going on?” she questioned. He shifted his attention toward her, explaining that he didn’t know.

He didn’t, but she wasn’t buying it, and I was tired of listening to them bicker. Inching away, I started for the parking lot. Maybe it was the anger in his eyes when he noticed my stomach. Or perhaps it was the shame of getting pregnant from a one-night stand with a man I didn’t know.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going, Hailo? If that’s even your real name.” Gi’s deep masculine voice blared through the courtyard, quickly catching up to me. The scowl that should've turned me off gave Gianni an edge. I saw it that night at the club. It was the sole reason I grabbed him to help. I could tell from our staring contest that he wasn't the type to scare easily or back down from Marcel.

And I was right.
