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He slid the oval diamond on my finger and wrapped me in his arms. Overwhelmed with emotion, I slid my tongue into his mouth just like I did the night we met. For a brief moment, it felt like we were back there. Just Gianni and I, with a bunch of sparks flying that neither of us could explain.

“You better stop kissing me like that. You know what happened last time.”

“We’re already late.” The rest of his family could wait. Right now, I wanted to consummate this moment with my husband.

After a quick round of sex, Gianni and I made our way to his parent's house. Before we got there, Sadie called because she wanted to see my ring. The most touching part of this was him going to my mother to ask her permission. I didn’t have to devise some ploy to explain our marriage because Gianni took care of it. That meant the world to me.

I was too high on the moment to even dread family dinner. Usually, I hated trips to his parent’s house, but after everything he’d done for me, I could put that aside. I wanted to show up for him the way he had been doing me. Solana immediately noticed the ring on my face praising Gianni’s taste. I had to admit. It was beautiful.

“When are you and Hailo going to finish planning the wedding? She’s due any day now. Time is ticking,” Xora pressed, and I knew it was only a matter of time.

“After the baby is born,” I replied, causing everybody seated around the table to freeze.

Sophia’s laughter cut into the silence. This baby in my stomach was the only thing saving her from an ass whooping.

“What is so goddamn funny?” I challenged. Mia was the nicest, Xora I could tolerate, but everything out of Sophia’s mouth was condescending, and I didn’t have the patience for her bullshit tonight.

“Gianni.” Xora shifted to him for an explanation which caused my nostrils to flare as I did the same. I wondered if Gianni meant everything he said before we got here.

“We’ll get married here. Do something small with the immediate family. Lo doesn’t want a big wedding, so we’re not having a big wedding,” Gi replied, and by the stares roaming around, they didn’t like it. They also didn’t know that I found out my fiancé was cheating on me during the wedding rehearsal, but it wasn’t their business.

“That’s a cute idea,” Solana added, trying to cut through the tension swarming.

“Solana,” Lucas interrupted, shaking his head for her to mind her business.

“It’s not like I have anything else to do around here. Y’all make sure of it,” Solana quipped, taking her champagne glass to the head.

“We can have another ceremony later, but I think it’s best,” Xora began, about to earn herself a seat on my shit list with Sophia.

“That’s not what Lo wants,” Gianni cut her off before she could get in her bag about what needed to happen.

“Xora, let them have it their way,” Ross added, and her eyes fleeted, waiting for somebody else to help us change our minds.

“Well, whatever Lo wants, she gets,” Sophia interjected in a snide tone that made me want to curse her.

“Not everything. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be sitting here dealing with this bullshit,” I fussed, pushing my chair back. “Everybody sitting here had their day. It’s my wedding, so yeah, whatever I want.” My neck rolled with each syllable I spat before leaving the room, before I said something I couldn’t come back from.

A little more familiar with the layout, I opted for the den instead of the patio. It was chilly tonight, and I wasn’t sitting out there. Every time I took two steps forward, it felt like five steps back.

Ross placed his hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Xora can be a little intense, but she means well.”

“She’s not the only one.”

“I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I could’ve handled that situation better.”

“Yeah, you could’ve.”

“But we are family, Hailo. For better or worse, and soon you’ll have my granddaughter. I’d like for us to start over,” Ross offered.

Outside of his one act of indiscretion, Ross didn’t seem so bad. Unlike Tyson, he seemed genuinely sorry, but forgiveness wasn’t something I practiced in my free time. Once you got on my bad side, you might as well pack your bags and move in.

“We are family, but that will take me some time.”

“I respect that. If you ever need anything. I’m here.” Ross left me alone with my thoughts.
