Page 31 of Unbreakable Bond

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“Where’s everybody else?”

“In the living room.”

I made a pit stop in the kitchen before I found a comfortable spot on the couch. I didn’t care what everybody else was doing, but I desperately needed to close my eyes.

“Nice of you to finally show up,” My mom complained.

“The food isn’t even done yet.” Although she had toned it down since Bryson was born, she always found time to complain to me about something.

“Leave her alone, Sophia,” Aunt Xora interjected, and I kissed her cheek.

“Thank you, Auntie.”

“You’re welcome, baby.”

She had always been my safe place when my parents were too focused on their shit to worry about Tyson and me. There was a time when I moved in with her and Uncle Ross because home was unbearable with Tyson gone.

“Your dad wants to see you,” Mom added as I headed out.

Mom was already on my ass, and I had just got here, so I could only imagine what he wanted.

“Damn, you look like you had a night,” Kyerra joked.

I flipped her my middle finger and scooped Bryson from the floor. He giggled hysterically as I planted a bunch of kisses on his face. Bryson was the happiest toddler I had ever seen. I didn’t tell Tyson as often as I should, but I was proud of the father he had become. He vowed not to allow his trauma to repeat itself in his son, and so far, he had done that.

“I guess my invitation got lost,” Kyerra said, looking directly at Hailo.

“I guess so,” Hailo quipped while Sky tried to conceal her laugh.

The living room looked like the North Pole with all the toys the kids had spread out. They were quiet enough for me to let my eyes flutter closed and drift into a quick nap when my father’s voice woke me up.

“I’m glad you’re here. Pierre is joining us for dinner,” he announced.

“And?” I knew the answer but had already expressed that I wasn’t interested.

“And get up and go wash your face. He’ll be here soon.”

“No. That’s your guest. Not mine.”

“He needs a date to the Young Business Association’s Fundraiser, and I told him you would go.”

Sky hated confrontation, so she was still scrolling on her phone despite her listening. Hailo and Kyerra were watching with wide eyes because I’d confided in them both on the topic. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time.

“Why would you do that?” Dad stood proudly as if he had done something good.

“Why not?”

“Maybe because you didn’t ask me if that was okay first. I’m a grown woman. I don’t need you setting me up.”

“You’re going to that fundraiser. I already told him you would.” Dad said with finality.

Tears welled in my eyes, frustrated that I had to keep repeating the same thing. It was tiresome, especially when nobody cared enough to listen. Hailo saw me retreating into my shell and gave me that look. The one that told me not to back down.

“You can’t just go around organizing my love life like another thing on your to-do list,” I complained.

“You don’t have a love life?—.”

“Why do you think that is? I can barely take a piss around here without asking for permission first!” I yelled, jumping up from the couch.
