Page 55 of Unbreakable Bond

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“How do you plan on doing that?” Quest asked because he was a realist. “Last time I checked, your people don’t know where you’ve been.”

He knew how delicate our situation was, but his tolerance level was dropping drastically, and I could tell.

“What do you want me to say, Quest?”

“That right there is my answer, Sol, so you ain’t gotta’ say shit. I’m not into games, and that’s what this shit is starting to feel like.”

“Don’t do that!”

“Do what? Call the shit like it is? I’m sorry I’m not living in fantasyland like you, but from where I’m standing, this shit looks like a game or some fucked up revenge plot.”

“Revenge for what? Oh, so you think this was just some ploy to get in your head and make you fall for me? That’s what you really think of me?”

“You’re standing in a house I built for you, questioning what the fuck I think of you?” The squint filled with confusion and disgust on Quest’s face made my heart sink.

His phone vibrated, and of course, it was Bella’s name flashing across the front. I chuckled, trying to pull away from him, but Quest wouldn’t let me, ignoring her call.

“Yeah, standing in the house you built for me, but you’ve been acting real secretive lately, and she keeps blowing up your phone. Care to tell me what that’s about?”

Quest let me go and kissed his teeth. “If you popped all that hot shit to your people instead of me, maybe we wouldn’t be sneaking around the city like fuckin’ kids.”

Quest left me alone and walked outside. I sighed deeply before taking a seat on the stairs. I loved Quest enough that I wanted him to be happy, but I wasn’t ready to see him do that with someone else. After what felt like forever, and he hadn’t returned, I decided to leave and give him space. Walking out the front door, he was leaning on his car, having an intense phone conversation.

He watched my every step intently, giving me an icy glare that put fear in me like no other as I approached him. Quest was the sweetest person I had ever met, but he also could turn cold in seconds.

“I’ll hit you when I’m finished,” he said, ending the call to give me his attention.

“I don’t want to keep having the same argument,” I announced.

“Me either, Solana.”

That’s what his mouth said, but he only called me Solana when he had an attitude.

“Trust isn’t a one-way street. You want all of mine without giving me yours. That’s not fair.”

Quest surveyed the unfinished landscape deep in thought before hooking his index finger in my belt loop and pulling me closer.

“I know.” I was curious about what brought on the distant look in his eyes. Then Quest answered my question. “Bella was at the casino when it got hit. She saw one of them, so keeping her safe is in our best interest.”

“How convenient?” I rolled my eyes, not because I doubted Quest. I just didn’t trust her.

“This only works if we trust each other. Isn’t that what you just said.”

“I know what I said,” I rebutted.

“Come on so we can drop your car off.”

“Where are we going?”

“To work on building that trust,” Quest smiled, opening the driver’s side door.

I wasn’t sure what that meant, but sliding in the car and backing out was the foundation of building trust—believing that wherever we were headed, everything would be okay.

Since I was on the move, I decided to use this time to call Gianni. I knew my family well, and if they were suspicious, tracking my location wasn’t far off.

“Wassup Sol,” Gianni answered.

“You called me.”
