Page 64 of Unbreakable Bond

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“Excuse me? I don’t know?—.”

Looking him in the eyes, I didn’t get to finish my statement because he refused to bend or compromise, conveying confidence and control.

“I shouldn’t be surprised you and your husband aren’t on the same page. He is very eager to get this deal done, so it seems you need me.”

His arrogance would be borderline sexy if Tyson hadn’t left me out to dry.

“After dessert, I want to show you my vision for this project. How beneficial it’ll be for the city, especially the women and children your family cares so much about. Maybe then we’ll be able to reach an agreement,” Vincent suggested.

“And if I say no?”

“Then you say no.” Vince shrugged, leaning into confidence. “I can’t keep you here against your will, but I don’t think Tyson would be happy about that when he called for an update. Do you?”

We were in a stalemate. I didn’t want to concede, but once again, Vincent was right, and that had me hot in ways I didn’t even know were possible. Plopping down in my seat made him smile at the victory he secured.

Dessert arrived, and I no longer had an appetite for the Crème Brule I had previously ordered. Vincent knew better than anyone how stubborn I could be, so he didn’t let it stop him from enjoying his. He occasionally looked up from the Tiramisu layer cake and shook his head before taking another bite. When he’d had enough, he signaled the waitress for the check and gave her a generous tip.

His giving heart was one of the characteristics I found most attractive. I was new to Hammond Hills and navigating my first social event when we met. Vincent stood out not just because of his sharp suit and polished demeanor but because of the genuine warmth that seemed to radiate from him.

As I wandered through the event, our paths crossed near the silent auction area. He was bidding on a piece of art, his attention thoroughly captivated by the cause. I couldn't help but be drawn to his earnest expression and how he spoke passionately about supporting the charity. It was then that our eyes met, and a friendly smile crept across his face. We started a conversation that flowed effortlessly, as if we had known each other forever.

“On to our next destination,” he announced, pulling me from my thoughts.

When I looked up, the smile on his face vanished and was replaced with concern. While Vincent wanted my attention, he didn’t want to jeopardize my marriage to get it, so when we reached the curb, he offered me an olive branch.

“You look like you’ve had a long day, Ky. We can reschedule.”

“You’ve given me a hard time all evening. Don’t go soft on me now.”

Vincent led me to his car and opened the door so I could slip inside. I probably should’ve accepted his offer, but that would have forced me to go home and face reality. I wasn’t in the mood to look in the mirror just yet, so I sat in the passenger seat of Vincent’s car, awaiting what was next.

He was concerned and didn’t know exactly how to go about comforting the woman who didn’t belong to him anymore, especially when that’s what he saw when he looked at me. Vincent knew how much I loved Whitney Houston. Listening to her music always made me smile, and this time was no different as I hummed along.

We reached the site that would become home to the Blazers and climbed out. The temperature began to drop, causing me to rub my arms. In typical attentive style, Vincent removed his jacket and placed it around my shoulders.

“Thank you.”

“It’s been that long that you forgot how much of a gentleman I am?” He stood before me, staring into my eyes with an indefinable emotion, when he finally asked, “Why are you doing this to yourself?”

“Doing what?” I asked, looking away, but he caught my chin.

“Torturing yourself. Pretending you’re happy when we both know the truth.”

“It’s too cold to stand out here discussing everything but business.”

“Stay with me tonight.”


I knew what I was supposed to say, but the power he possessed had me considering his offer.

“I miss you, Kyerra. I never stopped missing you.” He expressed his breathy cadence, making my knees buckle.

“Don’t do this to me. Please.” I was damn near begging because spending time with him was a reminder of everything I gave up. I had been questioning why I even came back in the first place all night.

In hindsight, that one decision was the beginning of the end. Gianni and I hooked back up, only for the future I wanted to be ripped from beneath us. The damage didn’t stop there. I was so hurt that I began moving off emotions and doing the very thing that snatched Gianni from me in the first place.

My life would have been so different if I remained in Hammond Hills. It made me curious.
