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“I’m just leaving work,” I reply. “Look I’m sorry. There’s a restroom just around the corner if you want to wash your hands...”

“So you are a cleaner? And you touched me? That is truly disgusting. Where’s your manager? I want to talk to them. This is appalling. If I get sick from you, I’m suing this place. I can’t believe this.”

I start to hyperventilate. This is truly the last thing I want to be happening. Octavia’s tone is so violent and hostile, it’s makingmefeel sick.

Ireallyjust want to be home under my sheets. I don’t want to be dealing with this.

The influencer continues to glare at me.


Someone calls out her name from behind me. Octavia’s attention immediately flickers from me to the speaker.

I recognize that voice.

I turn around.

“August?” I mutter.

The doctor stands at the hospital reception counter with a puzzled expression. He glances between Octavia and me.

“What are you doing?” he asks the influencer.

Octavia stands up tall.

“I’m here for you, August, but then this cleaner walked right into me and potentially infected me.”

“I know you’re here for me,” August says calmly. “But what are you doing yelling at Emma?”

“Cleaning staff should be seen and not heard,” she replies with a snarl. “And they certainly shouldn’t be touching others with their dirty hands.”

August frowns.

“Are you insane?” he asks her. “Listen to yourself, Octavia. What are you saying?”

Octavia’s glare returns to me, and then back at August. Her eyes narrow. Something like recognition flashes across her face.

Oh, crap.

“Do you two know each other?” she asks the doctor, her voice quiet and dripping with menace and accusation.

I feel like this is a question only August can answer.

I really want no part in this.

And August does answer. He’s cold toward the influencer.

“Just leave, Octavia.”

It’s stern but calm. Intentional.

And it clearly affects Octavia. Her eyes flicker. She blinks. Her lips purse.

But then she’s back to her normal self again.

“What, August?”

“Please go away. I can’t have people like you abusing my staff.”
