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His movements were so slow and felt so good that my hips refused to remain stationary on the bed. I started thrusting up slowly to meet him, and he let out a gasp. His head dropped, and he bit his lip as he unsuccessfully tried to hold in a moan. It wasn’t that loud, but there weren’t any other noises to muffle it.

The bed was not silent even though we were moving slowly and trying to be careful. The house itself seemed awfully quiet, which made the noises in our bedroom seem even louder, but there was no stopping at that point. We weren’t as loud as we could have been, especially if we’d been acting more typically, because we were usually much faster and more desperate. That night, though, Jamie seemed to be taking his time as much as he was trying to be quiet.

I’d always hated the term, “making love,” because it seemed kind of douchey and pretentious. But it felt like that’s what was happening, and if so, I was pretty into it. He was, too. I watched as his hard length throbbed on my belly, red and leaking all over me. I wanted to touch him, but even though sometimes I did get him off like that, usually because I was about to come first, I really liked it when he came undone on my dick alone. He was pretty good at making it happen, and he seemed to really like it, too. Watching him above me, I was pretty sure we could make it happen again. I was intrigued by the fact that though he often wanted it fast and sometimes even rough, he seemed to really like it gentle, too.

He gave a quiet cry as his knees gripped my sides tightly, and he sat up again, leaning back with his hands on my legs behind him as he sped up his movements a little, growing more desperate. His head fell back as his eyes closed. “Fuck…Caden.” I would never get tired of hearing my name fall off his lips in that desperate, breathy tone. My dick twitched inside of him.

My hands remained on his legs as I thrust upward to meet his every downward thrust, slowly but deliberately, and I didn’t even care that the bed was creaking louder. I wanted him to know that he was adored, that he was incredible. I needed him to know it. I rubbed his thighs gently as his legs started to tremble. “You’re so beautiful,” I said softly, and even I could hear the breathy desperation in my tone, “Do you know how amazing you are?”

He let out an almost startled little cry and a stream of precum leaked onto my belly. Well, he liked that. Since all the other times we’d had sex had been so different, and he was always just that little bit aloof, anyway, I was kind of surprised to discover that he liked being handled so gently and that he liked praise. I hadn’t ever said much during sex, besides maybe a curse or his name, but I was pretty sure I could work with the new information.

I grabbed his hips and held them steady as I thrust into him, determined to do all the work even though he’d climbed on top of me. He was so far gone by then that he didn’t even fight it, and another stream of precum leaked out as my thumbs rubbed gently over his hips. He was close. I was close, too, but I was going to get him there first. “Mmm, that’s it, baby. You feel so good. You always make me feel so good,” I murmured quietly, “God, you’re so beautiful. Do you know how much you mean to me? You’re amazing. I want you to feel as good as you make me feel.” His dick twitched. “That’s it. I’ve got you, baby, I’ve got you. Come for me, Jamie.”

His head lifted and his eyes snapped open to meet mine. He barely managed to cover his mouth to muffle the cry that was decidedly not quiet, as he did exactly as I’d asked of him. Watching him as he shuddered and his cum shot all over my abs and chest threw me right over the edge with him. I gripped his hips tightly as I thrust desperately into him through my own orgasm, trying and failing to remain completely silent. He tried to keep moving with me even though he had to be overly sensitive by then and was coming down from his own orgasm.

When I stilled on the bed, breathing hard with my head still pressed into the pillow, he fell forward with his hands on my shoulders again, panting. He leaned down and gave me a kiss that was somehow both desperate and sweet. I was pretty sure we’d been way too loud at the end. If I was being honest, I’d known the whole time that we would be, and I’d let it happen, anyway.

He pulled off my dick, then flopped to the side, resting for a moment before grabbing his shirt off the floor and cleaning my torso. “Caden,” he scolded me, “You can’t just start saying shit like that while we’re at my mom’s house trying to be quiet.”

I laughed. “Oh, please. We weren’t being quiet before that, either.”

He laughed but then looked at me, searching my face for something. I wasn’t sure what, but I said, “I wasn’t lying. You are beautiful and amazing, and you mean a lot to me.” I hoped I wouldn’t freak him out, but it must have been the question on his mind because he leaned forward and kissed me with all the passion his exhausted body could muster.

“You mean a lot to me, too,” he whispered when he pulled back. I smiled sleepily as he covered us up and cuddled up to me, neither of us bothering to find our shorts on the floor. Then he said, “If they’re awake, we won’t hear the end of it tomorrow, just so you know.”

I was sure it was going to be awkward, but holding him in my arms right then, I didn’t even care.


It started with the knock on Jamie’s door that woke us. Tara called out from the other side, “Hey, I wanted a shower, but since there’s only one, and I’m assuming you guys are kind of sticky and gross I thought you might want one first.”

Jamie groaned and put a hand on his forehead. “Shit.”

It didn’t end with Tara’s comment. His mom giggled and Jamie blushed and dragged out an, “Ok, then,” when Tara guessed I was probably the one who should stuff the turkey because I was probably the best in the house at “stuffing things.” Then there were their comments about how strangely creaky the house had become at night as their eyes twinkled, and they hid laughs. The discussion between Angela and Tara about whether quiet moans in your house at night meant it was haunted. I didn’t stop blushing the entire day. But it was still worth it. Something had changed the night before, and it was a good something. I still had that craving, that need for all of him. And I felt like he wanted me to have it. I couldn’t quite put my feelings into words, but I would take teasing for that feeling any day.

The Thanksgiving meal we had together was probably the best one I’d ever had. Not that my mom wasn’t a good cook, because she was. But that meal, probably a little more meager than I was used to, with only a couple sides and desserts, seemed to have been chosen with Tara and Jamie’s favorites in mind and prepared with such love that it pulled at my heartstrings.

I’d always thought of family as the people you were born to, your flesh and blood, and something you couldn’t choose. But the family in front of me had proven that family could be anyone if there was love, care, and laughter. Jamie’s family, though maybe not conventional, was as much of a family as mine had ever been. I really liked it there. It felt warm and welcoming. I was so glad that after everything he’d been through, it was the place that had finally found Jamie.


My parents didn’t question my absence at Thanksgiving too much, although my mom video called me when we were settled back at school. She must have missed me on Thanksgiving, even though she didn’t guilt me for it. Jamie was on the other side of the phone, out of sight, as I talked to her about mundane things. And just like I knew he would, he started sliding a hand up my thigh, refusing to look at me so he couldn’t see the warning look I was giving him.

My mom looked at me a little funny when I said “red,” out of nowhere in the middle of our conversation. Jamie immediately withdrew his hand and sat up, leaning on my wall with an innocent little smile like he hadn’t been planning on giving me a hand job while I was on a video call with my mother.

My mom knew something was up but wasn’t sure what it was. I promised her I’d see her at Christmas, even though over two weeks without Jamie seemed like absolute torture. I couldn’t skip out on two holidays, though, and his family was too important for me to try to talk him into going home with me and passing him off as a friend. Doing that didn’t feel fair to him, anyway, not to mention the fact that we’d never be able to pull it off. It would be the first time we’d gone more than one full day without seeing each other since we started dating, but I supposed it had to happen at some point.

I tackled him into the bed after I disconnected the call and attacked that spot on his side that I’d accidentally discovered was ticklish, while he laughed underneath me. It made me wish even more that we could just stay on campus for Christmas. Most everyone would be gone, and we could have our own celebration, just the two of us. We wouldn’t even have to worry about being quiet. I wanted to live like that, just watching him laugh and smile, forever. The thought threw me a little because I’d never thought of a forever with anyone. But after just under three months with Jamie, I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

Chapter 16


I woke up in my dorm, but I wasn’t sure how I got there. Something didn’t quite seem right. I was alone, and there were no pictures scattered around. The room seemed too bright, and something just felt off. I sat up and was still trying to orient myself when the door opened and I looked up, startled.

My jaw dropped as Jamie slipped into the room, closing the door behind him and looking at me with a smile. “Jamie?” I whispered, trying to figure out where Jesse was and how I’d ended up in my bed.

“Caden,” he said simply, climbing into the bed beside me and giving me a kiss. I kissed him back with everything I had, because I’d missed his kisses, missed him, so badly.
