Page 103 of Teasing You

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Ashlynn found herself laughing again. “What did you think was going to happen? Tanner said you invited the entire fire squad to come and watch!”

“I’m not really upset about it. I do feel a little silly, but…if it got you here and you’re talking to me, then it’s worth it.” He leaned in a little closer and Ash swore he was going to kiss her.

But he didn’t.

Instead, he took a step back and motioned for her to sit down on the sofa with him.

“I need to know where we go from here,” he said after a moment. “Are we good? Can we keep moving forward or…or would you rather go back to being friends?”

She bit her lip because there were a few snarky comebacks on the tip of her tongue, but she kept them to herself.

“We’re good, Reid, and I’d like nothing more than to keep moving forward because…”

Say it!

“Because I love you too,” she said softly, fully expecting him to definitely kiss her this time.

But he didn’t.

Swallowing hard, she met his serious gaze. “Say something. Please.”

“In my mind, I always thought we’d say that to each other during a very romantic moment—maybe over candlelight or after a night out someplace. You deserve more than having me say that to you while you’re walking down the street after we’ve had a fight.” Now he was downright frowning. “I’m normally a very confident man, Ashlynn, and everything about you intimidates the crap out of me and I end up doing things wrong.”

This man…

“Can I ask you something?”


“Do you feel like we need candlelight to tell us how we feel?”

“Well, no. But…”

“Do people only say ‘I love you’ when they’re in a romantic setting?”

“No, but…”

This time she reached up and cupped his stubbled jaw. “Reid Baylor, I would tell you I love you if we were having a romantic dinner or rolling around in the snow or taking out the trash. There doesn’t need to be a perfect time to say it; you just have to feel it.” Leaning in, she gently brushed his lips with hers. “And I do feel it. So much.” Another kiss. “I’ve missed you.”

And then finally—finally!—he kissed her. His hands were in her hair, gripping it hard, as he kissed her as if his life depended on it. It was wildly untamed and so wet and carnal that she couldn’t help but crawl onto his lap and straddle him.

“Too long,” he said between kisses. “I’ve missed you so damn much.”

“Prove it,” she panted breathlessly as she shamelessly rubbed against him.

Reid’s arms banded around her waist as he dove in for another scorching kiss. He tasted so good, and he was all warm, hard muscle, and she couldn’t believe he was hers. He loved her. It was the greatest feeling in the world.


“Hmm…” His mouth moved to her throat where he gently bit and sucked his way up and down.

“Can we go inside? Please?”

He moved to the other side of her neck. “I didn’t want to rush you or be presumptuous…”

She rubbed against him harder and moaned with pleasure. “You’re not rushing. I’m rushing. Take me inside. Now.”

He was instantly on his feet as Ashlynn’s legs locked around his waist. “Are we rushing everything or just getting to the bedroom?” he asked with a wickedly sexy smile.
