Page 108 of Teasing You

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“Good! I just got finished with the roof on the cottage over off of Deer Road. Patrick mentioned your dad might be renting it.”

Nodding, she finished chewing. “He mentioned that to me. I think it’s crazy for him to do something like that when he doesn’t come up here that often, but he said we’ll be seeing more of him because he can’t work as much as he used to. Doctor’s orders. Plus, with Levi’s wedding coming up, I think he really wants to try and reconnect with all of us.”

“And how does your mom feel about it?”

“Actually…she’s fine. They’ve been talking a bit and I think they’re on better terms than they’ve been in years. So who knows, maybe we’ll be able to hang out like a real family for the wedding with no drama.” Then she sighed happily again. “Life is good.”

“That it is,” he agreed. “But are you ready for it to maybe get better?”

She sat up straighter. “Maybe…”

“The craftsman on Maple?”

She nodded.

“I just got the call from the bank. We were approved!”

“Oh my God! You’re kidding me! Really?” And when he nodded, she jumped into his arms. “Holy crap! This is amazing! This is insane!” Then she pulled back. “And I really hate that I can’t leave here right now and go over there!”

“I’m one step ahead of you,” he said before handing her another cake pop. “Meet me over there after the salon closes and we’ll have a picnic dinner and pull out your Pinterest board and officially begin making design decisions.”

Her heart was racing and suddenly it all became too much and tears were falling. “I swear these are happy tears. I’m just…I can’t believe all this is happening.” She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, sweet girl.”

It was seriously the most perfect day ever and Ashlynn knew it was still just the beginning.
