Page 37 of Teasing You

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“Hey, beautiful,” he said, taking her by the hand and gently tugging her inside before he kissed her soundly. “I hope you’re hungry.”

Now there was a loaded statement.

She nodded and let him lead her to the table where he had sandwiches and drinks waiting for them. “Thanks. I probably should have just grabbed something while I was out, but I didn’t think about it until I was almost home.”

They sat and Reid asked, “Did you take care of all your errands?”

“I did,” she replied. “And Jade gave me tomorrow off so…”

The heated look he gave her made her want to swipe everything off the table and beg him to take her right then and there, but her stomach growled again, so she opted to simply eat and wait.

“Excellent,” he said. “I have a surprise for you after lunch. Something I think you’re going to really enjoy.”

Picking up her sandwich, she laughed.

“What? What’s so funny?”

Ashlynn tried waving him off, but that just made her laugh harder.

Beside her, Reid looked mildly confused. “Um…”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” she repeated. “Just…I was thinking about swiping all the food off the table and us…you know…doing it right here, and then you said how much I was going to enjoy your surprise and it all just…” Then she was laughing again even as she wanted to die a little of embarrassment.

Luckily, Reid found it amusing too. “Okay, I can see where that would be funny, and now I’m a little disappointed that my surprise isn’t anything sexual.”

It took her a moment to stop laughing before she nodded. “That’s totally okay. I’m not sure adding an element of surprise is a good thing when you sleep with someone for the first time.”

“You don’t think?”

She shook her head. “Hell no. A surprise isn’t necessarily a good thing. Like…what if it’s something weird?”

“Then I don’t think I would have said you’d enjoy it,” he reasoned.

“That’s not always true. Some people don’t realize that their weird thing is actually weird.” Then she took a bite of her sandwich.

“Why do I feel like you’re speaking from experience?”

“Because I totally am. I once dated a guy who had a third nipple,” she said. “He told me how great it would be for—get this—us. Us! Like, how is that a good thing for me?”

Reid’s bark of laughter made her start laughing all over again. And it took them longer than it should have to finish their lunch.

“Ashlynn, I can already tell that dating you is not going to be boring.”

With a sassy wink, she said, “You know it!”

After lunch, Reid gave her a hint about her surprise.

“We’re going to have to drive there,” he told her. “And you should probably make sure you’re wearing comfortable shoes and maybe an extra layer.”

She looked at him oddly, but asked for him to give her a few minutes to change. They went down to her apartment and she not only changed her shoes, but her entire outfit. Now instead of the skinny jeans and sweater, she had on a pair of black leggings, a bulky, hot pink hoodie with a t-shirt underneath, and a pair of hiking boots. “Will this work?”


Within minutes, they had on their coats, gloves, and hats and were climbing into his truck.

“Okay, so we’re driving someplace and I have a feeling we’re going to be outside for it. Do I have that much right?”

He nodded. “You do. We won’t be outside for too long,” he promised. “And I had to pull a few strings to make this happen, so…I hope you’re not disappointed.”
