Page 109 of Blossom

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I had Jennifer book me at the Orleans Hotel.

I want to look at it, see what I would’ve done differently.

I gained three hours on the flight, so it’s only eight p.m. here.

But I have no desire to research the hotel this evening.


My desires lie elsewhere.

Chapter Thirty-Two


I feel pretty shitty after I hit send.

Have a safe trip.

That’s all I said to Ronan, but I wanted to say so much more. I’m deeply disappointed that we won’t be together this weekend at the club.

Today is my last day of vacation time. I was going to spend the day registering for classes online, but I desperately need to get out of my apartment, so I decide to take the subway to the university itself.

Why register online? I can register in person. Maybe talk to an admissions counselor. Find out what my options are. Back-and-forth question and answer is always better face-to-face.

I have two years of college under my belt. I quickly send an email to my university to have them sent to me.

I dress in the only pair of conservative black slacks I own. For work, I usually dress in jeans and a top from the store, sometimes a corset.

My mother once told me that every woman should have a navy-blue skirt, a pair of black dress pants, a crisp white blouse, and a pair of black pumps, because you never know when you’re going to need to look professional.

I choose not to wear the pumps. I slip on a pair of black flats instead because I’ll be walking.

The black pants and the crisp white blouse—a cotton blend—still fit me perfectly. I pull my hair up into a high ponytail with a black scrunchie, apply a touch of lip stain, blush, and mascara, and I’m ready to go.

“May I help you?” a young woman asks when I walk into the administrative building at the school.

“Yes, hi. I’d like to find out what my options are for finishing my degree. I have two years toward a business degree at Mellville.”

“You can do all that online. You didn’t have to come in.”

“Yes, I know. That was my original plan, but I have the day off today, and I thought why not visit the campus? See if it’s a good fit.”

“Absolutely.” She hands me a map of the campus. “We do have a tour today. Graduating high school seniors always tour on Fridays. You can join the tour that leaves in an hour.”

“I’d like that. Thank you.”

“And I’ll see if one of our admissions counselors is available as well. Give me a moment.”

“Thank you,” I say again.

The receptionist taps on her computer. “It looks like one of our counselors does have availability. Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll give him a call and see if he’s willing to talk to you?”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” I move to the small waiting area, take a seat on the sofa, and pull my phone out of my purse.

For the life of me, I don’t know what people did to look busy before cell phones.
