Page 134 of Blossom

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My God…

I want kids.

I want a life.

I want a life with Ronan, and I want to have his children.

If that’s not what he wants…

Then I have to move on.

I have to find someone who wants what I want long-term, not just right now.

And I never knew…

Never knew, until just now, how much I want a lifelong partner and children to love.

I’ll always be a submissive. My partner will most likely be a Dominant.

But we will raise our children with happiness and love.

And oh my God…

I may never have it.

What will I do if I can’t have it?

I sniffle back tears.

Crying won’t do me any good. I’m frozen in place, unable to move.

All I want…my only want…is to get out of here alive.

I’ll do anything.

Absolutely any—

“Your wallet, bitch.”

The man with the gun stands over me. I hastily take my wallet out of my purse, hand it to him. He takes my phone as well.

“That ring on your right hand. I’m taking that.”

I hastily pull it off my finger. The ruby ring from my father. He gave it to me for my high school graduation. It’s all I have left of him. He wasn’t the greatest father, and he was a lousy husband to my mom, but this ring is my link to him. It means so much to me.

With a gun in my face, I don’t think twice. I take it off and hand it away.

He moves on to the next table.

I heave a sigh of relief, but it’s not over.

The mother and her small children, the last table in the corner…

Fear slices through me, but I wonder…

I wish I could do something. Protect those two children. I’m so scared.

The masked man makes his way around the place.
