Page 136 of Blossom

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Or I would’ve had to go back to my place to change, but then straight to work.

Either way…

I wouldn’t have woken up early, taken the subway early, stopped to have coffee at this godforsaken place.

Why? Why? Why?

Except…what if he’s still with the other woman? What if he’s done with me because I left him with her after he asked me to stay?

The thought slices right through my heart.

I shouldn’t have left him. I love him.

And I’ll never be able to tell him.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


In the morning, I don’t let Keira out of my sight. After making a few phone calls and rearranging some things on my schedule, I take her to the nearest pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test. Then we come back to my suite. I open the test and pull out the stick.

“Here it is. Pee on it.”

She stares at the test and scowls. “I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”

“Look, Keira. If you’re truly pregnant, and if I am the father, I will take care of my child. You have my word on that.”

“A child needs a mother and a father, Ronan.”

“If the child is mine, he will have his father.”

She grabs my arm. “You don’t understand. A child needs a mother and father who are married.”

I clench my jaw, remove her hand from my arm. She’s trying to manipulate me. I can’t lash out, though. I need to tread carefully until I know the full truth of what’s happening here.

“That is the best circumstance, I agree, but plenty of children grow up in different circumstances and they’re fine. Regardless, I am not ready to be your husband, Keira. That is why I ended our relationship in the first place. You and I both know that. Part of our agreement together was that you stay on birth control. We both know birth control can fail. If that is what happened here, I will stand by my child. I will support my child financially and emotionally. I will be a good father. Now the stick.”

“Fine.” She huffs. Then she moves to close the door.

I stop the door with my foot.


“I’m sorry, Keira. I’m going to have to watch you.”

“What, do you think I have pregnancy hormones in my purse?”

I wouldn’t put it past her.

She has feelings that I don’t share, and honestly? I don’t know much about her personally. Perhaps she is the kind of person who would try to trap a man. She showed up here—twice—without invitation and lied to get into my room.

So yes, I’m going to watch her pee on the fucking stick.

“Take the test, Kiera. I’m not moving.”

“Really, Ronan. I just can’t—”

“Then we’ll go to a doctor. I will watch them as they draw blood. That’s a more accurate test anyway.”
