Page 154 of Blossom

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“Because I went looking for you, Mary.”

“Is that why you were there?”

“Yes. I’ll always come for you, Mary.”

My eyes close then.

Sleep overtakes me.

Chapter Forty-Six


In the waiting area, after Yvette has gone in to see Ronan and come back, she takes my hand.

“Do you see what I mean, Mary? The two of you were meant to be.”

“I’ve fallen in love with him.”

“You don’t have to tell me that, chérie. The look on your face tells all.”

I nod, suddenly exhausted. “Do you have a place to stay here in town?”

“Yes. I booked a room at the hotel where Ronan is staying. I also booked a room for my daughter and son-in-law. I just got a text. Their flight from Glasgow leaves in an hour.”

“Good. Okay. That’s good.”

“I want to stay here for another hour or so,” Yvette says. “But Mary, love, you need to go. Go home and get some sleep.”

“I can’t leave him.”

“He’s in the best hands here. And if anything goes wrong, there’s nothing you can do anyway.”

“Nothing’s going to go wrong,” I say adamantly.

“I agree.” Yvette places a hand over her heart. “I feel very strongly that everything’s going to be fine. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be praying. Sending our energy into the universe, wishing for the best outcome for Ronan.”

“Believe me. I’ve been doing only that since this happened.”

“I know you have, my dear. Now go. Rest that weary body.”

I nod, and then I stare into Yvette’s dark eyes. This woman is an icon. She’s young yet, but she won’t live forever. Her knowledge and wisdom can’t be lost.


“Yes, chérie?”

“You said your daughter wasn’t interested in learning Voodoo.”

“No, she wasn’t.”

“Teach me,” I say. “I may not be your daughter, but I felt such a connection to the culture when I visited New Orleans. Please. Teach me what you know.”

Yvette closes her eyes a moment, a smile spreading across her pretty face. “I had a feeling about you from the moment I saw you,” she says, opening her eyes. “You’re the real thing, Mary. So genuine. You’ve been searching for something, haven’t you?”

This time I close my eyes. “Yes. Though I’m not sure I knew it at first.”

“Open your eyes, love.”
