Page 156 of Blossom

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“Yes, we just talked to his nurse. I’ve got a call into the doctor,” Declan says.

“You go see him, chérie,” Yvette says to her daughter.

The nurse takes Yvette and Simone back, and Declan, wearing a three-piece suit and carrying a briefcase, looks me over. “Very nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too, sir.”

“Declan.” Then he takes a seat, pulls his phone out of his briefcase, and begins tapping on it.

Always business, just as Yvette said.

Same as Ronan.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

We’ll see.

If this is the life Ronan wants, I will be part of it. I’ll find a way for us both to have what we desire. If he wants a full-time sub, I’ll make it work while I finish my degree and learn Voodoo from Yvette. I’ll make sure he gives all he can to his business if that’s his dream, and I’ll be in his bed every night, obeying all his commands.

That’s how much I love him.

About fifteen minutes later, Simone returns. Declan stands.

Simone shakes her head at him. “He’s awake now. He wants to see Mary.”

“Oh, that’s all right,” I say. “Go ahead and see him.” I nod to Declan.

Yvette takes my hand. “If it’s Mary he wants, it’s Mary he shall have.” She looks at me. “You go ahead back, dear.”

I bite my lip, but I nod, heading back to Ronan’s room.

I crack the door softly. “Ronan?” I enter.

His eyes are open, and their blueness is so bright.

“Hey, baby,” he says, his voice hoarse.

“Hey yourself. How are you feeling today?”

“I can feel the pain today. The drugs are great, but they’re not infallible.”

“You should be sleeping.”

“I opened my eyes, expecting to see you. Instead I saw my mother.”

“Yes. She and your father came all the way from Glasgow to make sure you’re okay.”

“It reminds me of something. When I broke my leg when I was twelve years old. Bike accident. They had to come home from a business trip in the UK. My father was angry.”

“He’s not angry now.”

“It doesn’t matter if he is. I love my parents, but they weren’t there for me when I was a kid, so why should I care if they’re here now?”

“Because they’re your parents, Ronan. I’d give anything to have my father back.” I absently look down at my right hand. The ruby ring he gave me is gone. But the memory isn’t. I treasured the ring, but it was only a thing. He wasn’t the perfect father, and he was a terrible husband, but part of him lives in me. It always will. I don’t need an object for that.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound callous.” He looks at my hand. “Your ring.”

I nod. “The gunmen took it during the robbery.”
