Page 5 of Blossom

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Maybe tonight is the night.

Maybe tonight is the night that I’ll get over this hump and play in a scene with someone.

There are several Dominants I play with who frequent this club.

Two of them, including the one who accidentally broke my skin, are now hooked up with their own submissives in committed, monogamous relationships.

But there are still a few others I like and who like me.

Perhaps one of them will be at the club. Someone I feel safe with.

Of course, I felt safe with Jack, too, until…

But anyone can have a glitch, and to his credit, he stopped as soon as I said my safe word. He took great care of me afterward, too.

I take a sip of my lemon drop. The tartness of the lemon, the sweetness of the simple syrup, and the alcoholic bite of the vodka all tickle my tongue. A lemon drop is the perfect drink for me. Not too sweet, not too tart, not too alcoholic. I like to taste the alcohol in a drink, but I don’t like to taste only alcohol. One of the Doms I used to play with before he got serious with his permanent submissive always drinks martinis. Martinis taste like ammonia to me.

I take another sip and look around. A trained eye can tell who’s here for a drink and who’s here for something more. Those here for something more are usually wearing coats to cover their garments—or lack thereof—underneath.

I’m wearing my black trench coat because it covers my clubwear—and I have a lot of clubwear thanks to my fifty-percent employee discount at the store.

In the past, on nights when I was feeling especially frisky, I’d be wearing nothing at all under the trench coat.

Tonight, though, I’m wearing a little black dress—a basic that can be worn at any club, not just a leather club. I want to feel safe tonight, which means I need to be fully dressed under my coat.

Brenda’s trench coat is dark red, like the rich hue of merlot, with undertones of warm mahogany.

Red is Brenda’s color. She has dark brown hair and eyes, so it’s perfect on her. With my auburn hair, I rarely wear red, except for undergarments.

I have no idea what Brenda’s wearing underneath. It can’t be anything too risqué, though, because she’s not going to play tonight. She’s coming to the club for me, to help me feel comfortable. Help me get back up on the horse.

No pun intended.

She takes a sip of her cosmo. “See anyone you like around here?”

I scan the patrons in the bar. “Not everyone who comes here is a member of the club,” I remind her.

“I know that. You can probably pick out the ones who are.”

“That’s not the route I want to go tonight,” I say, “if I go that route at all. It’s going to have to be someone I’ve played with before.”

“Okay. I get that.” Brenda picks up her stemmed glass and swirls her pink cosmo. “But you know the Phantom is taken now.”

I nod. “Yeah, I know. By the sister of Jack’s fiancée, no less.”

Brenda shakes her head. “Crazy, huh? The Thomas sisters take two of the best Doms.”

“Let’s not forget you took one out yourself.”

She smiles and looks down at the two-carat sparkler on her left ring finger. “What can I say? I guess a relationship was in the cards for me after all. It could be for you, as well.”

I take a sip of my lemon drop. “I don’t think so, Bren. I’m not sure anything is in the cards for me at this point. Maybe I’ll just be celibate the rest of my life.”

Brenda nearly spits out her drink. She takes a hard swallow. “Come on now, Mary. You are sex on a stick. Even I was turned on the first time I saw you at that corridor meeting freshman year.”

I can’t help a chuckle. I did my share of experimenting in college—with men and women—which is how I found out I’m a natural submissive. But Brenda? She never strayed from men. The woman is as straight as an arrow.

“You’re full of it,” I tell her.
