Page 94 of Blossom

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“Nope. You don’t. Besides, women in kilts are pretty sexy, too.”

Jennifer knocks and then walks in. “Good news. The architects are able to meet with us today. But we have to go to them.”

“Not a problem. Have Philippe bring the car around.”

“You want anyone else at the meeting?” Jennifer asks.

“Just Brody and Sabrina. And I’d like you there to take notes, Jen.”

Jennifer makes a note on her iPad. “The meeting is set for three o’clock, so I’ll have Philippe ready at two.”

“Two? How far away is this place?”

“It’s uptown. But you know how traffic is in New York.”

“We could always take a cab,” Sabrina says.

“No. We’ll take the car. Philippe needs to continue learning his way around New York.”

I quickly scrawl my signature on the documents and hand them back to Brody.

“All right. I’ve got about a million emails to respond to, so I will see all of you down in the lobby at two.”

“You got it, boss.” Sabrina stands.

The three of them exit my office, and I get back to work.

My phone sits next to me. I can almost see it pulse, as if it has a heartbeat.

I want to call Mary. She took the week off from work, and I’m going to see her tonight at the club.

So why do I want to speak to her so badly?


I miss the woman.

And that’s unlike me.

I left Keira because she wanted more than I could give. She and I were together for five years, but apart from our scenes together, she wasn’t part of my life. My life consisted of work, work, and more work with my weekend excursions to the club my only interactions with her. They were very pleasurable for both of us. She was a good sub, and I was very attracted to her.

But I didn’t get that squishy feeling.

That squishy feeling that I didn’t even know existed until I met Mary.

I grab my phone and shove it in my top desk drawer.

Except I still know it’s there.

I still want to call Mary.

I suppose it won’t hurt to text her. I grab my phone out of the drawer and pull up her number.

Hi there. I’m looking forward to tonight. I hope you’re having a good day.

Then I hit send.

I read back over the text.
