Page 113 of Seductive Sin

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Hawk returns. “They unloaded their cargo. Now what the hell do we do?”

Only then does Eagle look at me. “Falcon?”

I grab his shoulder. “Yeah, E. It’s me. Everything’s going to be okay. Just give me the gun.”

He looks down at Vega’s immobile body, the blood now soaking his entire shirt.

“It’s okay. We’ll fix it,” I say. “Just give me the?—”

Eagle escapes my grasp and darts out the door of the old barn.

Hawk and I follow, as Eagle shoots.

He shoots again.

“Eagle!” I shout. “Stop it. Stop it now!”

Hawk runs after him, but Eagle is quick. He shoots into thin air, in every direction.

Hawk and I watch our brother shooting like a lunatic.

Eagle continues to shoot until the cartridge is empty.

Still he shoots, clicking the trigger even though no more bullets rain down.

“Easy, Eagle,” I say, keeping my voice as calm as I possibly can, even though my heart is thundering like a machine.

“What the fuck?” Hawk mutters.


I take a step forward.

“Watch out,” Hawk says. “He’s in shock or something.”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t have any more bullets?—”

Eagle drops my pistol and then pulls his own out of a hidden holster. Damn it! He wasn’t supposed to be armed.

My heart thumps like a galloping stallion.


He points the gun at me.

I’m unarmed. My pistol’s at Eagle’s feet.

Hawk stands, reaches for his own piece, but I gesture to him slightly with my head to back off.

Putting another gun on Eagle will just spook him more.

I have to believe our brother won’t harm us. So I advance another step. Eagle still stands, holding the gun to me.

“Hawk, stay back,” I say.

“I’m not moving,” he says.

I take another tentative step toward my brother, who is still holding the gun.
