Page 12 of Seductive Sin

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I say no more, because I know exactly what he means. She is definitely a prisoner, but her chains will be invisible. Invisible bindings of husband and wife.

Over my fucking dead body.

“Second floor,” I say, my teeth gritted.

He nods. “I agree.”

We stealthily walk up the stairs.

It’s dark outside, but not that late yet. Servants are probably going to be wandering these hallways, so we have to be ready.

I run my hands over the gun in my waistband. I can fire any piece, but I prefer to be dealing with a gun that I know. I’ve never fired this one.

Still, if I have to, I’ll do it. For Savannah.

I’ll gladly go back to hell to free her.

She’s come to mean so much to me in such a short time. I love her. She’s the other half of my soul.

We reach the top of the stairs. Leif looks around. It’s a hallway, with doors speckled on each side. Servants’ quarters, no doubt.

They wouldn’t be keeping Savannah here. She’s a prize and would be kept in the highest luxury. This is just a way for us to get into the house.

We walk through the hallway and get into the main wing. It is as plain as the entryway. Simple overhead light fixtures flicker throughout, and the air has a sterile tinge to it.

I peek into one of the rooms. It is furnished with simple wooden tables and chairs, unadorned dressers, and beds with simple white linens. The walls are scuffed.

As we continue, we come across an empty communal area with a plain dining table and a few chairs. On the other side of the room is a door, this one in a dark cherry, much grander than those of the servants.

That must be how to get into the main part of the house.

That’s where we’ll find Savannah.

If she’s even here.

And if she’s not? It will be my fault. I’m the one who told Leif to start here, at the senior McAllister’s house.

Why does the McAllister family want her so badly?

There’s got to be a reason. Maybe Savannah herself knows. After all, she kept her family history from me when we first met.

I don’t fault her for that, though. Neither of us expected to fall so hard and so quick.

But she’s going to have to level with me about it. That’s the only way I’ll be able to help her.

We managed to get through the hallway without encountering any wayward servants. The day servants are probably in their rooms already, and the night servants are in the other wing of the house.

Which means we will probably encounter them there.

Fuck it all.

Leif grips the doorknob on the large cherry door with his gloved hand.

And he looks as surprised as I am when he finds that it’s unlocked.

He raises his eyebrows at me, and I do the same.

But at this point, no talking. We both know we’re going to encounter people behind this door.
