Page 54 of Seductive Sin

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“They weren’t then,” Vinnie says. “Unless Dad held back on me. Once I turned eighteen right before I started my senior year of high school, I don’t think he held back. For me, adulthood brought information I didn’t want to know.”

“The McAllisters. They traffic women and children.” I shudder. “I found that out by accident.”

Vinnie nods. “Yeah, they were just getting into it back then, and Dad promised me we would never ally with that family. Never in a million years.”

“I’m afraid he broke that promise,” I say.

“I know. First with Mikey, and then with you.”

My stomach does a somersault. “Oh my God… Do you think…”

“Yeah,” Vinnie says. “I think they killed Mikey. I think he threatened to go to the cops about the trafficking.”

I place a hand over my mouth. “God, the drugs are bad enough.”

“I know. So much fentanyl coming across the border, and all those fucking mules?—”

Falcon drops his jaw, his eyes wide.

“You okay, Falcon?” I ask.

“Yeah, fine. I’m just putting a lot of things together in my mind right now. There are things…” He rakes his fingers through his hair. “Things I’ve never told anyone, Savannah. Things my attorneys didn’t know eight years ago. Things only my brothers know.”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about, man.” Leif says. “There’s a bunch of shit you’ve never told me either.”

“I made a promise a long time ago,” Falcon says. “But I’m wondering… I’m wondering if I inadvertently got involved with your family, Savannah.”

“Drugs?” I ask.

“Yeah, drugs.” He looks over both shoulders and lowers his voice. “I’m trusting you people with this knowledge. Nothing leaves the room. Leif, I assume you checked for surveillance.”

“Checked, double-checked, and triple-checked. You’re good, man.”

Falcon looks at Vinnie then. “Did you ever know a man named Diego Vega?”

Vinnie’s eyes widen. “He’s a bad guy.”

“Don’t I know it,” Falcon agrees.

“All right,” I say. “The two of you are going to have to tell us what the hell you’re talking about.”



Diego Vega disappeared eight years ago.

No body was ever recovered, and the two men who were with him were apprehended at the border and never heard from again.

I’m about to break a promise I made to my brothers by telling a guy I just met. I trust Leif and Savannah with my life, but Vinnie? I don’t know him from Adam.

“Did Diego Vega work for your family?” I ask.

“He did at the time I left,” Vinnie says.

“If you talk to your father,” I say, “you’ll probably find out that Diego Vega disappeared about eight years ago. Into thin air. Along with a truckload full of merchandise.”

Savannah’s eyes go wide. “Falcon?”
