Page 96 of Seductive Sin

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“Untie him then,” I say, my jaw clenched. “Falcon, we’re going home.”



One of the goons whips out a knife and cuts the rope binding my wrists together. They’re both bloody from the friction of the rope. My ribs ache, and my face hurts. My nose feels like someone shoved a sharp blade inside it, and my eyes sting from the blood that has trickled into them.

All in all, though, it’s not too bad. The adrenaline has kept me out of major pain so far.

Once that subsides, I’m in for all of it.

Savannah offers her hand to help me from the chair, but I shake my head at her. I’m already appearing weak enough. I have to at least get up myself.

I rise, and?—

I fall to the floor as my knees give out.

“Vinnie, Daddy, help me!” Savannah cries out.

But no help comes.

Vinnie, Savannah’s father, Savannah’s grandfather, and Declan McAllister are all gone. Only the two goons remain, and they’re busy dealing with Miles’s body.

“I can do it, Vannah,” I grit out.

“I need to get you to a hospital,” she says. “I have the Nissan Leaf outside.”

I look back at where Vinnie was standing just a few minutes ago. “What about your brother?”

She gulps. “I can’t help him right now, but I can help you.”

I manage to get to my feet, and though it hurts like a mother, I stand.

A half hour later we’re at the ER. My head throbs as I open my eyes to the chaotic scene—the sterile smell of antiseptic in my throbbing nose, and the cold, unforgiving surface of the gurney beneath me. Savannah stands by my side, her beautiful face a mix of worry and anger.

“It’ll be okay,” she whispers, gripping my hand tightly.

“Your family…” I mutter, finally grasping the gravity of the situation. The aching in my body intensifies as I recall the brutal beating at the hands of her family’s goons.

I’m wheeled into an exam room, where a doctor sees me immediately. God, it must be bad.

His white coat is stark against the nurses’ green scrubs.

“Hello, Mister…”

“Bellamy,” Savannah says, “Mr. Falcon Bellamy. He’s been badly beaten. Please help him.”

“Mr. Bellamy, can you hear me?” He flashes a light into my eyes.

“Yeah,” I say, my voice hoarse.

“Good. I’m Dr. Logan. I’m going to give you a quick examination to see if you need to go into surgery. If not, we’ll get you bandaged up and your pain managed.”

I wince as he pokes and prods me as he looks me over.

“Aside from the broken nose and surface contusions, you've suffered severe trauma to your head, most likely multiple rib fractures, and from the sound of your breath, I suspect a punctured lung. We’ll get a chest X-ray and possibly a CAT scan to confirm diagnosis.”

“A punctured lung?” Savannah’s eyes widen. "Will he be okay?"
