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I turn fully on the tiny-ass stool to face my boss. This woman who’s probably half my age, but who I’ve seen hold her own with drunks and dickheads over the last two years. She’s got to have some kind of history with that guy. I don’t think I want to know about it. Not if I want to keep my job through tomorrow’s wedding.

I meet her stare with my own. “I notice everything about you, Lacey.”

She presses her red lips together, and wriggles in her seat, crossing, then uncrossing her legs. Another flush blooms across her chest and, goddamn, I can’t stop myself from looking. I trace the outline of her collarbone to the hollow of my throat with my eyes, then stop myself when my gaze hits her cleavage. I’m overcome with the desire to press my face to her chest, lifting the weight of her in my hands and tasting, feasting on all that hides beneath that black dress.

Lacey must be some kind of a mind reader because I swear I see her flick a look at the erection tenting the frontof my dress pants. Her lips form a small O and she meets my eyes. “I...I...” She stammers, but no real words come out. Then she slides off the tiny stool, her body so close to me, I smell jasmine and vanilla wafting from her heat.

“Excuse me,” she whispers, then takes off toward the ladies room.



As soon as I hit the ladies room, I yank off my earpiece, unclip the receiver, and drop down on the sofa in the lounge.

“Fuck,” I mutter, adjusting in my seat. Five minutes talking to Eagle—five minutes alone with the man, and all I can think about is having sex with him.

I stand from the sofa and splash cold water on my face, grateful all the guests have left. I have some workout clothes in my office. I’ll head back there, change, go home, and grab my vibrator off the charger. That poor bastard better be ready for me tonight. After avoiding Dylan all night and keeping Eagle in view, I’m exhausted and aroused, and I’m sure I won’t get a wink of sleep until I work out some of this frustration.

I run my wet hands over the back of my neck to cool down, just as there’s a light knock on the bathroom door. “What the hell?” I mutter, storming through the sitting room. I yank the door open and see Eagle, his dark dress shirt filling the doorway. “Eagle? What are you...”

He doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t even blink. He looks from me to the mirrors that line the ladies’ room lounge, and before I know what I’m doing, I’m pulling him inside, and flipping the deadbolt on the inside lock.

He’s on me in a second, his hands shoving beneath my hair to cup the back of my neck. “Am I wrong?” he asks, his lips against my ear. My eyes flutter shut, and I practically throw myself against his chest. “Do you want this?”

I swallow back every hesitation, every rational thought about why this is wrong, why we shouldn’t do this. Yes, he’s my employee. Yes, I know we’re at my place of employment. My job. With security cameras that no doubt caught him letting himself into the ladies room. But the door is locked, and right now, I would much, much rather have him quench the throbbing need between my legs than the silicone I’ve got waiting at home.

“I want you,” I say, reaching to lace my hands behind his neck. I scratch my nails through the short hair on the back of his head and he groans, lowering his face to mine.

Our first kiss isn’t the demure kiss of a bride and groom. It’s ravenous and needy, our mouths pressing hard against each other, his lips crushing mine until they feel swollen and raw. I pant through parted lips, scraping the tips of my teeth against the scruff on his chin while he cups my ass and presses my hips to his.

“You are so fucking gorgeous...” He pants his praise against my neck, bending his mouth to devour me. He kisses, licks, and nips my throat, the light stubble of his chin scraping my skin with the most delicious burn.

His kisses are fire, and I’m writhing with desperation for his lips on mine. I lift his face with my hands, and he slams my body against the wall, bracing a knee between my legs as he explores my mouth with his tongue.

He tastes like heaven—sweet like Coke and a little salty—a perfect flavor against my tongue. We kiss and groan, huffing hot breath and banging our backs against the wall as we press every inch of our bodies together. I squirm with need, the ache for him so deep, if he moves his knee just a little higher, I’d ground out a climax against him.

“You’re fucking filthy,” he pants, pulling his face from mine. “And I love it. I want to watch your face in the mirror while I fuck you from behind.”

I open my eyes, my lids so sluggish and heavy with arousal, I have to peek through my lashes. “What?” I mumble, immediately missing his mouth.

“On the couch,” he orders, pointing a tattooed finger.

I look at the rose-colored velvet settee and wonder how the hell I’m going to explain ruining it to the facilities staff. Because I have no doubt if I let Eagle get me on that couch, we’re going to do unspeakably dirty things to it.

“Hold on,” he says, following my eyes. He unbuttons his shirt so fast, I hardly register what he’s doing until his sculpted chest is bare and he’s laying the shirt over the seat of the couch. “I’m about to make a big fucking mess eating your pussy.”

My knees go so weak at his words, and I nearly stumble, but he’s got me around the waist steering me toward his shirt. When I’m standing in front of the sofa, he kneels and puts his hands on the exposedskin of my thighs. “You want this, Lacey? Because if you don’t, say...”

“Fuck me,” I beg. “Eat me, fill me. I don’t care, I want it all. Give me everything.” It occurs to me that I should ask if he has a condom before I tell him he can have his way with me. Before I can form the question, he’s pulling a wallet from his back pocket. He opens the trifold and pulls out not one, but three foil packets. A nervous giggle comes over me. “You really keep those in your wallet?”

He tosses the condoms on the sofa beside his shirt and lifts a brow at me. “I’m old school, and I’ve been praying I’d get the chance to do this for the last two years.”

I almost gasp at his admission, but before I can say anything more, his warm hands find their way up my thighs and under my dress. He hooks his fingers through the waistband of my thong. He’s so gentle tugging it past my ass, that I have to reach under my dress and yank it off for him.

I drop back onto his shirt, a little shy about sitting my bare ass on the fabric. “Are you sure you...”

“Sit,” he orders, his bedroom voice filling the silence of the lounge. He pushes the fabric of my dress to my waist, still kneeling on the floor. “Sit and open for me, baby. Show me how bad your pussy wants me.”
