Page 107 of Harmony

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“Then the only problem is that we’re about to go to Glasgow, and then we’re going to be on the European continent for the next couple of months. And you probably want an English-speaking therapist.”

That gets a laugh out of her. “Yeah, I guess that would be good.”

I grab a pillow and throw it at her. “I promise to talk to Melanie for you when we get home, or you can certainly find someone else.”

“In Snow Creek?”

“You’ll have to go to Grand Junction. Or you can do it online. But Aunt Melanie will be able to refer you to someone perfect for whatever you need.”

“What will I do until then?”

I bop her with the pillow again. “You start believing in yourself, Maddie. You start looking in the mirror and seeing yourself as other people see you. Beautiful and brilliant and a sweet, good friend. A person who has empathy, who feels things. And if my cousins and I have failed to realize that, then that’s on us, not you.”

“I’m probably not being fair. You’ve always tried to include me.”

“Of course we have. But as I’ve said before, we just may not think about it as much as we should because we’re all family, and we’re always together. Our family is very close-knit.”

She rolls her eyes. “You think?” This time she pops me with a pillow.

I grab another and pop her back. She grabs it from me and chases me around the hotel room until I pounce on my bed, grab my original pillow, and bean her over the head.

We both collapse onto our beds, laughing.

And I sleep soundly through the night.

Chapter Thirty-One


The train trip to Glasgow is short and uneventful, and once we get to our hotel—this one isn’t as fancy as the ones in London and Edinburgh—we check in quickly, and then the band and I head straight to the venue for rehearsal and soundcheck.

After that, we catch a light dinner together.

I don’t see Brianna at all after checking in to the hotel. I don’t know if she’s going sightseeing today, but I’ll go out with her tomorrow morning before we head back to London for the encore concert.

“Your jaw’s clenched, Jesse,” Rory says.

“How can it be clenched?” I tear a piece of roll with my teeth. “I’m eating.”

“Let it go. I know you’re bothered about Dave being here.”

“I’m not.”

“Oh, please.” Rory shakes her head. “We may be four years apart in age, Jesse, but I know you better than you know yourself.”

“I mean it, Ror. I’ve made my peace with it.”

It’s not lying, exactly. I don’t like the idea of anyone in my little sister’s pants. I wasn’t thrilled about it with Callie and Rory, for that matter. But Maddie…

“She’s so young,” Rory says, as if reading my mind.

“Yeah, she is.”

“Same age as…Brianna.”

“Yeah, I was waiting for you to bring that up.”

“So get over yourself. The Steels are good people. I can vouch for them.”
